poop lol

edited June 2012 in Babies
My daughter always seems to poop everywhere but home and at the most inconvient times lol. Im sitting in front of the auto parts store waiting for them to open and she pooped. I have no where to change her but in the bed of the truck lol. I feel bad cause its cold out?


  • Oh tell me about it we were shopping the other day. Just got in the store and my two month old pooped. I was holding him I could feel him squeezing...luckily my fiancee offered to take him and change him so I could shop. I have two in diapers so sometimes its double poo! Lol! I've changed them in the truck too bc we've been at my daughters softball games and they only have port o potties at some of the fields so I've changed them in the truck.
  • Definitely! Mine does just as we about to leave the house all the time!!!
  • My daughter always seem to poop right when I was running late for something! Its like she knew! My son has done it a few times right when I was putting him in his carseat but nothing too bad. Ive had to change them in the car quite a few times
  • Oh yes I've done that too.
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