he rejected me :/ *update guess what i found

edited June 2012 in Relationships
Sry tmi! But I'm hoRny as f**k n he didn't want too. I'm nicely shaved sry again tmi I thought maybe he'd yu kno turn me on n this fucker even invites my son intO the room to play ps3 w him aghhhhhh >[
This is the first time he tells me no!! Isn't this why men cheat cus they dont gt enough action at home?? Aghh sry for talking away


  • Hey better than my night. I started getting wife in the mood and she hit the O very quickly. Then decided she had had enough and wanted to sleep. All I could do was lie there thinking what a f$#%&ng bitch.
  • Lmfao sry! Lol but that made me feel a lil better. But that was a messed up move
  • Glad I made your day lol
  • edited June 2012
    Sorry to both of you! that sucks! Atleast yall have sex drives though. I can have sex and to me it just sucks. I think, why am I even wasting my time. No O, getting close or anything. Its frustrating. @dadof2n1togo and @val
  • @dadof2n1togo that is awful!!
    @Val I feel your pain. :( my hubby often tells me no. Granted I often ask at odd times like at 3am on the dot. But usually its just because I want sex all.the.time. lmao. We always joke that when it comes to sex in our relationship I'm the man. Lol I don't want to cuddle or kiss..just pass the eff out lol
  • @1stWoodsBaby
    That's my wife to a T. No sex drive at all and then her idea of being in the mood seems to be get in bed in just knickers and expect me to do everything. Then when I do I get what happens last night or 40mins of foreplay to get her into it and then she might join in.

    Well after last night fuck it I'm done trying at all anymore, if she wants a sexless marriage she can have it. I feel so rejected by her today and self esteem which is normally low is non existent now.
  • I'm being rejected too. Wtf is up with this world? Lol!!!
  • Me too...even last night...it was my birthday. :/
  • @dadof2n1togo I know its hard, but try not to feel rejected. I went through a very similar phase as your wife. I WANTED to want to, but just couldnt (not sure if that makes sense). I had no sex drive. The thought of it wasnt at all appealing but it wasnt bc of hubby. He felt like it was & he had very low self esteem bc of it...and I felt awful but didnt know how to fix it. It slowly got better on its.own though, but im not sure how or why. Im sure.its NOT you though
  • Rape him! lol.
  • @DavidnAaydnsMama
    Is to late not to feel rejected. I don't think she even wants to though anymore. I have tried to be understanding and not push etc but last night justreally pissed me off and am so tired as couldn't sleep.
  • @dadof2n1togo your wife sounds like a meanie.. lol
  • @dadof2n1togo im sorry hun :( I hope things get better. That does sound like a shitty thing to do :(
  • Hey tell him....a man needs to go down on a girl every now and then to have her happy.....
    I haven't gotten any for about 3 Weeks and I was so.down in the dumps....I would sleep.in n not want to clean n yesterday he made me sing!!!!tmi!!
    And today I was up since 8 and cleaned everything!!!.n cooked omg im a new women!!! Lol
    But yea!.
    Sorry to be so blunt but every women needs a lil oral
  • I might as well join the club ...haven't got any in a few weeks. Its killing me. Ugh the things we go thru. I pity us all sighs.
  • @can't_wait93 I know right
  • edited June 2012
    Yea like my hubby makes me do it to him n when im ready he falls asleep n like yesterday he wanted some I made him give me some first n then I gave him some lol tmi I know but they think its ok when its not...right?
  • Aghhhh idk I thought men wanted it all the time! How do yu girls do it??? 3 weeks holy id die I'm a real hoRn dog idk why yu think its a self confidence issue? ?
  • Idk but my drive is low with this baby but.I use to be a 3 timer lol n he would keep up with me but he had slowed down with his long work hours you know.
    N I think its having a good self confidence because if you were low on it you wouldn't want none.
  • Ummm I guess ur rite! Lol I think I'm good in bed
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  • I kno I've told him why aren't yu all up on me n he said idk remember when first started dating n yu would reject me? I'm like ummm no! Lol me reject him...wow lol funny how things happen
  • Well I'm going for a different angle tonight. I just bought her a load of sexy lingerie lol now if she doesn't wear it I will really be pissed lol
  • What of you got the wrong size????
    N she gets pissed???
    Omg I would be soooo pissed if my hubby got bigger then my size! Lol
  • Is where being sneaky pays off, I know her sizes very well lol.
  • @MommyLovesSparkle lmao girlie..

    @dadof2n1togo It could be easily post partum depression. Some ladies after having babies dont feel beautiful about themselves or their image. I dont know how old the youngest is though. That lingerie could deffinitely make her feel a little better. It takes time it really does, just let her know your still physiclly attracted to her. ..
  • @AishaMusa youngest is nearly 8mnths old. She has been like this for a while but has started getting worse. I know it takes time and believe mei have tried to stay patient and not lose my temper but she really doesn't seem to give a rats ass how hard it is on me. As for letting her know I'm still physically attracted to her I wouldn't be having this conversation if I wasn't lol because believe me with how little attention I have received in the last 2yrs roughly no guy would have stayed if it was a strong attraction.
  • @dadof2n1togo Understandable.. Sad how theres women that take advantage of good men like you. Sorry to hear that.. :(
  • Well he made it up last nite ;)
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