Oh.Em.Gee the Sweat!

Ok, I am only about 5 weeks pregnant but already the sweat is INSANE! I sweat all the time, and am always burning up! I feel like I am going thru menopause with the hot flashes! I was like this with Ollie, but remember it happening much later! Ugh..anyone else?


  • Oh girl Tessa is almost 11 months old and it still hasn't stopped lol. I sweat all through winter and everything. It's like I got pregnant, and my internal cooling system broke lol. I've been sweating since December 2010 hahaha.
  • Its super hot and humid where I'm at too, but I agree. So much sweat and I feel like it's been worse with this pregnancy than with my first. And even if I have the air blasting right on me, I still feel like I'm going through a major hot flash.
  • I had that badly the last couple of months. Oh how I hated it. Congrats on the pregnancy mámá...
  • @starrxoxo9 girl I am there with ya! The sweating never ended after I had Ollie..just got worse lol

    @blessedtxmom girl I thought that was all it was at first (since its 111 on a daily basis here in vegas) but my husband said that I shouldnt be sweating when its 72 in the house lol!

    @musicmomma lol I have to have my portable fan blowing directly on me when I am getting ready in the bathroom, and when I am sleeping...lol there I am, just wearing my undies and t shirt with no blanket sweating up a storm, in bed, while my fan is blowing ...and the hubs is freezing under the blankets! lol

    @aishamusa thanks
  • edited June 2012
    You're welcome. My hubby's the same way if I complain about heat and the temp is between 70-89° lol It never passes 100° here in Minnesota in the Summertime besides one time last summer. THANKFULLY..
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