out of curiosity can

edited June 2012 in Breastfeeding
smoking while breastfeeding harm baby in anyway? (n no I don't smoke!)


  • Soomehow probably I would think. Because all the chemicals you breathe in or maybe inhaling the smell of cigerettes off your clothes???
  • Yes the nicatine (sp) comes through breast milk just like any drug or alcohol. I am not familiar with what problems it causes but any drug or alcohol will have some negative effects on a bf baby.
  • It does go through your breast milk, the nicotine, but the human body works out nicotine in 45 minutes.
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  • Ok bc this lady who works with me bf n smokes n I understand it is a bad habit to break but y would u do something knowing it can effect ur find negatively. I just don't get it! @mama_kat @second_time_mommy7 @kayleigh27 @blessedtxmom
  • You can smoke and breastfeed. It is recommended by lactation consultants that it is better to smoke and BF than smoke and formula feed.
  • "Bottle-fed infants have a much higher incidence of respiratory illnesses than breastfed infants. A bottle-fed baby whose mother or other household members smoke would therefore be at even higher risk of these problems. Dr. Jack Newman states "The risks of not breastfeeding are greater to the baby than the risks of breastfeeding and smoking. The decision is up to the mother and I would encourage her to breastfeed."

    Quitting, of course, would be ideal. But not necessary. If a woman is going to continue to smoke, it is better to be breastfeeding the child.
  • Well it would be pretty hard to avoid smoke and drugs while breastfeeding specially when your in a smokers environment. Just like its easy for us to inhale or get a contact high its im sure just as easy for the baby to get it...it takes alot of extreme precaution in order to get away from smokers unless you dont have many smokers around you.

    I would think smoking while breastfeeding is not good..
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