How to pick a Dr if u just moved !!! HELP

If i find out I'm prego :) how do I pick a great Dr with no insurance cause I just moved to another state ...I just don't know where to start ??? This will be my 1st if test come bck positive .


  • There is an app called iTriage, you can find doctors in your area and check out the reviews, then just make a list and call around for pricing and whatever questions you have... good luck
  • Do you know anyone where you moved to? I had just moved right before I found out so I asked my hubby to ask some of his coworkers wives
  • @navybabyonway. I don't really know a lot of ppl but there is 2 woman I work with that mite be able to help one has no kids n one is alittle older but thank u that's a start
  • Even if they don't have kids, they might know someone who does that can recommend a doctor.
  • Very true :) thank you @naveybabyonway and @kkmommy that app is great thank u so much !
  • I would decide which hospital you want to deliver at ask to see there facilities and why your there ask the nurse who they would recommend. The nurses should have the best recommendations for you.
  • @mom60511 that is a great idea thanks so much !!!
  • I would see if you can find a local mom's of preschoolers group; there would be tons of new mom's there who could lend advice & you might even have a great place to go & meet new mommy friends after the baby's born! :)
  • You are welcome. Good luck!
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