Has my supply dropped?

edited June 2012 in Breastfeeding
Trying to work out what's going on. I've been ebf for 5 months now, my son done amazing on it - he's between the 91st-98th% for height & weight so never had any concerns re my supply. Today he has been really grizzly & wanting boob constantly, took me over 2 hours to get him to sleep tonight as he just wanted to nurse nurse nurse & when I eventually got him down his tummy was still rumbling. So I'm wondering if my supply has dropped, I started my 1st pp period on Saturday so could that be to blame? Growth spurt? He's not teething as far as I can tell. Also he's been a rubbish sleeper but did have 2 good nights last week where he slept for 7hr stretches & my boobs didn't feel particularly full after this. If it is due to period will drop just be temporary? Sorry for all the ?'s but just trying to figure out what's going on
@HomeBirthAdvocate @bahamamama4828


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