
I am 20 weeks pregnant and ive had a Blood Screening testing for Birth defects. And my test came back ABNORMAL. but then i had an Ultrasound and my doctor said she saw nothing wrong and everything was fine and it made her feel alot better. But now i have to see a genetic counselor and get further testing "blood work". But no one in my family or his family has any genetic disorders. BUT why is my blood work bad? Please help!


  • Hey, I've seen that you've posted this quite a few times, are you not getting your notifications?? People have been responding...
  • Oh nevermind, I'm not reading them right. They seem the same but they're actually different. Sorry.
  • Its fine actually I am so worried I just need more responses sorry
  • Here's a bump hon!
  • Really, you are over thinking and over stressing.

    What if your child does have a disorder, you're still going to love it right? Of course it would be hard at first.. but just like pregnancy, that's life. You should take a step back and take a breath. Just relax and quit stressing. (And posting, spam is annoying. Just bump you one post)
  • she just wants piece of mind. i cant imagine what your going through. :-(
  • I chose to opt out of the tests because I had read that they're not very reliable. Also, the younger you are the less likely you are to have a child with a defect. That being said, there's nothing you can do to change the outcome of this. Hang in there hun. I know its hard.

    God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.
  • First of all its not SPAM. its a discussion and I am FREE to post what I want, when I want. If anybody doesnt like it, overlook it or dont respond at all. Thank you
  • Thank you everyone else for your generous comments
  • I think what she was trying to say is you don't need to constantly repost your original post, you just need to BUMP your old one.
  • I opted out of the test also. I didn't need that extra stress and I was told they're not 100% accurate anyway
  • My cousin had the same thing happen to her and she now has a healthy 1 year old so try not to worry about the test ultrasounds also detect birth defects such as down syndrome so if the doc isn't worried try to relax I personally refused the test its just too stressful good luck and I'm sure everything will be fine!
  • Everyone is different and I know how you feel but I personally think you are over stressing about this. all of my doc wanted me to get tested to see if anything would be wrong with my daughter and that was all because I have epilepcy and had a good chance that something could have been wrong but from the moment I knew I was pregnant I was in love with that baby and said no to all the testing because I knew no matter what I want this baby more then anything and God wants this baby here for a reason no matter what could or couldn't be wrong with her. I didn't spend any time thinking about it just enjoy your pregnancy :) especially if there is no history in the family. I know your just worried about this baby but in the end it will all be ok no matter what. My daughter is 6 months now and not only is she perfectly healthy but she is the smartest baby ever :). I will pray that you get some piece and the baby is ok.
  • Thanks everyone..i went to my appt and my baby boy Ja'Sir is fine! :-)
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