do you know .....?

edited June 2012 in Second pregnancy
So I am having my baby girl this Monday coming up..and she is going to be a c-section (my second one)...
So my question is. Were are they going to make it?
were I have My old one or are they going to make a new one??


  • They usually cut into the same incision they did with mine!
  • Really?.....hey is it true that it hurts more then the first time???? Because that's what my doctor told me that.I was.going to need all the bed rest I could get.
  • I had a fibroid removed and a year later I had a c section and for me the pain was about the same it really wasn't that bad I didn't have to take my pain meds after a couple of days it just hurt to cough or laugh u have to hold a pillow close to u when u cough or laugh so it doesn't hurt as bad and you have to take your time just because u start to feel better u won't b healed inside so take it easy for the whole six weeks good luck mama everything will b fine::):):):)
  • Thank you i've been so worried lately like you have no idea... I'm just scarred something can go wrong...because my last was out of no were so I didn't have time to think about it but since day one I knew....
  • @CANT_WAIT93 I just had my third c-section in october. Each time was easier for me. I just knew what to expect in advance. With my first I had staples which I didn't like so my last two I asked for dissolvable stitches which are a lot better and less painful. Plus I was up walking around as soon as I can and keeping up on the pain meds, especially at the hospital for the first couple.days.
  • They glued me...n stitched me inside.
    So its not that bad then!:-)
    Oh man I hope so it is the same for me.
    I've been feeling that..idk I just have a nervesness in my gut.
    Because the doctor told me I was going to die of I didn't start to take my iron pills
    He is all like your going to over bleed n Blah blah Blah...n,I guess that's what has me on edge you know.
    But I feel allot better with what you told me. thank you so much!! Really
  • @CANT_WAIT93 yeah I had the stitches and glue stuff. That makes it feel so much better then staples. Just relax and try not to get too nervous. Its all done within 45 minutes. Honestly, the worst part is the waiting at the beginning because all want do is see your baby. Before you know it, its over and the baby is in your arms.
  • My second one took longer than the first, my bladder had become slightly stuck to the inside of the scar when it had healed the first time but apparently that is quite common and the doctor sorted it once he got the baby out! I had been warned that was a possibility before they started. He also went in straight over my last scar. As for afterwards I would say knowing what to expect made it easier although having a three year old already made me push myself a bit more once I got home and I sometimes ended up a bit achey but nothing horrendous
  • edited June 2012
    Yea I know thank you. In my last c-section after my hubby left with the baby I fell asleep and I remember that the doctor got mad at the nurse that was next to me...why did I fall asleep?? and why was it such a bad thing??? Is that normal??

    yea that's what my sister tells me to try to push my self. To not let my self down. Because I have a 15 month old and I need to be sure to be happy and healthy for him. Because after I had him I was an emotional reck....and did you not take your pain meds that's why you were in pain or you would take them n still be in pain??
  • @CANT_WAIT93 when you are still on the table, yeah they want you to stay awake because with the drugs and being numb they want to make sure you are breathing ok. I always was really sleepy after and they kept on talking to me to stay awake. This last one they put oxygen on me and told me to sleep if I wanted too. My blood pressure tends to be on the low side and they wanted to make sure it didnt go ti low.
  • I think I took more meds the second time round, no point in trying to be a martyr! I wouldn't call it painful but if I had done a lot I would feel achey and know about it! Just remember you won't be able to lift your toddler for a while so make sure you are prepared. It's really not that bad, try not to worry. Do you have someone who will be helping you out?
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