
My son will be five in August. He has been potty trained since 2. He is so careless when he goes and I literally have to scrub the wall, toilet and mop every time he uses the bathroom. I have tried everything I can think of from fruit loops to aim at to making him clean it up (I know it sounds mean but seriously I can't take it anymore and its not because he can't aim its because he doesn't look at what he is doing and he really just doesn't care.) My last resort is making him sit down to pee again but I fell so bad because he knows daddy doesn't and that's what girls do. I seriously need help. What can I do?


  • Have you tried having your his daddy talk to him about how 'big boys' go pee pee? A big boy heart to heart might do the and if not you can always bribe him with candy!
  • edited June 2012
    Lol no I haven't thought of that actually. That could work! Its like he doesn't even look at it just whips it out and starts peeing EVERYWHERE!!! I will have daddy talk to him when he gets home. I can't bribe him with candy because I don't let him eat candy... But that would probably give him more motivation lol
  • Lol it might! Not a a few M&Ms might do the trick!
  • @ashleysmashley if the daddy talk doesn't work I will definitely be trying that. Lol I seriously just can't take it anymore. If you walk into the bathroom at my house it smells like pee and its so gross and he can't just pick one bathroom to always go to. He like alternates between the 4 so I can catch a break. And I'm always thinking did he go pee without me knowing and I'm about to walk in it or sit in it... Ugh soo gross.
  • I have 6 boys & unfortunately for me none of them have outgrown doing that until they're teenagers .. & I still sometimes wonder. If you figure anything that works let me know lol, it's so disgusting. & my morning sickness intensifies the smell ... Ugh yuck!
  • @wilsomom Omg I'm so sorry. I thought I had it bad. I couldn't handle that I'm ready to snap with just one boy. Lol
  • If I was you I would go into the bathroom with him as much as you can and constantly remind and refocus him to pay attention and make sure it is in the water.
  • @my2boys I do that most of the time, but there are times he doesn't even tell me when he goes. I tell him to pay attention and to look at his pee pee the whole time so he knows what its doing but he usually looks at me as soon as I talk and it goes everywhere lol
  • Ugggg we had a 2yr old do that today in our classroom bathroom!!! Oh yuck!!! Lol... Hope it works out for you!!
  • How's it going today Mom?? I was thinking...maybe he isnt tall enough to properly aim? Maybe he needs a step stool?

    Funny story...when my brother was 5 he used to rest his wee see on the toilet bowl rim while he pee'd. My granny would always tell him that he should hold it or something bad might happen. Well sure enough one day he was peeing (resting his wee see on the rim) and the seat slammed down on it! LoL I was 7 and thought it was hilarious! I can still see him waving his arms in the air screaming until my granny came in and set him free!
  • My nephew was like this. My sister found something that you actually put in the toilet and it had like a bullseye in the middle, he thought it was so fun and she hasn't really had issues since then. He is also 5 they turned into a game where like if he does good for a week or something he could get a treat usually something from like the dollar section at target.
  • @ashleysmashley I am using the treat idea and he had not missed once. Lol he used a step stool when he first stated standing and I made him go back to it last week that still didn't help! So far giving him candy has so I hope he continues to do good with it!!!! Thanks for the idea:)
  • @Morgdeebee I have heard of those! Do you know where to buy them? I'd like to try it!?!
  • I believe I saw them at babies r us but im not positive.
  • @ashleysmashley I forgot to comment about your brother Omg I was rolling when I read that, I read it to my husband and he is still laughing lol I can almost picture it happening. Poor guy, I bet he never put it on there again;)
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