Discontinue of Birth Control (Nuvaring)

edited June 2012 in Postpartum Health
I've stopped using the bc Nuvaring due to all the 1-800-bad-drug commercials I have seen about it causing serious health issues. When I was on it, I would get my period around this time of the month but there are no signs of it. I usually feel it coming on. I still bf my daughter (almost 10 months old) so my question is, has anyone stopped this birth control and didn't get a period afterwards? I think the bc forced me to have a period because of the way it works (I bf my firstborn for a year and never got
a period) just wondering if anyone else has experienced this.


  • Haven't ever rally used birth control but here's a bump
  • edited June 2012
    @skysma thanks hun :) looks like no one has experienced this but thanks for the response!
  • edited June 2012
    My obgyn with both of my children (2 diff. ones) told me that nuvaring was not safe during breastfeeding I do know that. when you take it out it does trigger your period, but I don't know anything about using it while bfing other than what the doctor told me.
  • @second_time_mommy7 my dr said it was ok to start it when I did because my daughter was also on solid foods and the only issue woulda been decrease is milk supply.
  • But I'm not on it anymore due to the health issue claims about blood clots, sudden death, etc
  • edited June 2012
    From what I read, the possible adverse reactions are blood clot & stroke...the pill carries these same risks....

    Birth control messes with the natural process of the body. Any time we alter how our bodies function, we run the risk of a reaction.
  • If your worried about being pregnant, I would test. If its negative and still no sign or you ms have a party:) I would doing anything (besides get pregnant) to not have a period.
  • I don't think I am pregnant I was just wondering if anyone got off this specific bc and didn't have a period like before
  • Anytime you switch bc and your hormones are disrupted it can mess with your period. When I switched from the mini pill to loestrin they told me my period would come back full force. Well 4 months later and it hasn't lol. The first month I didn't get it and the second month I literally used one tampon, then one panty liner, and it was over. But I'm not complaining!! ;)
  • @starrxoxo9 lol right?! The joy of being a woman haha I haven't switched to anything hormone based as of yet, just using condoms
  • Lol ohhh the joys :) I'm sure your period will come back eventually, mother nature isn't that generous haha
  • @starrxoxo9 I'm sure you are right. I mean as much as an ugly biotch she can be, I guess it's just reassurance that all is good when she does show lol!
  • So true!! I took a pregnancy once a month until my daughter was like 6 months old haha even though I was on the mini pill and bfing I still needed reassurance. Everyone on here was getting prego again and it freaked me out lol!!
  • I was on the ring and I took it out and was pregnant within days so im no help lol
  • @lafiitz89 lol shiiiiit don't tell me that, hubby doesn't want anymore babies! Lol
  • @MamaLove has he ever considered getting a vasectomy. My husband is a big baby and he said it wasn't that bad. After 3 c-sections it was his turn :)
  • @sjmomof3 he refuses. I'm not totally for it now cuz even though I don't want more now idk how I will feel later ( we are only 20) :)
  • @MamaLove yeah thats true. Thats why I didn't want to do it myself. I will be thirty this year and god forbid something happen to him I don't want to lose out on having more children in the future if it is meant to be. He is 37 and has a 17 yr old as well as our three so he is definitly done and wanted to make sure of it. Im glad I don't have to take the pill anymore. ;;)
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