Doctors Appt tomorrow (:

edited June 2012 in Second pregnancy
I'm excited. I want to see him swiming around in there. I don't know if I'm going to get bloodwork or some tests done I don't recall. But I will keep you updated. I hope my bp hasn't been acting up and that he is doing A OK. Just wanted to share the excitment with ya. I always update on fb and forget to update here lol


  • @BlessedTXMom I hope it doesn't take long I'm sure you can hear the heartbeat now right?
  • Good luck...I got all my ultrasounds already, but my doctor wants me to get another one since I'm small
  • @BlessedTXMom there's no way you can rush it I get a confirmation number and the first month I get to go to the doc like that before my card comes in
    @jazzie all of them already? :( my doctor gives me unlimited and i have medicaid
  • Yeah because I'm 27 weeks and they only do 3.....I have Medicaid but my doctor doesn't take it.....I'm still on my mother's insurance so I use that.
  • @Jazzie uh three that sucks :(
  • It does cause I like seeing my baby
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