Obamacare Upheld (How this will affect YOU!)

edited June 2012 in Current Events
* there will be a government committee that decides what treatments you are allowed and what your overall benefits are. (shouldn't it be up to YOU and your DOCTOR on which treatments you shall receive?)
* mandates the rationing of health care as is being done in Canada. (in case you weren't aware, Canadians often come to the US becuase of their HORRENDOUS health care system.)
* recognizes the power of the Health Choices Commissioner to determine your health benefits. You will have no choice.
* free, taxpayer-paid health care will be given to the 30 million non-citizens in the USA, even illegal aliens.
* government will have possession of all your health care records & history including finances and you will have to have a National ID Healthcard. (this is SCARY)
* Pg 59, lines 21-24 gives direct access to your banks accounts to compel you to pay any out-of-pocket or premium costs electronically without your previous consent.
* over 20 million will lose the coverage they are now enjoying if Obamacare is implemented.
* mandates that all Medicaid eligible will be automatically enrolled in Medicaid based upon income and insurance status. No choice.
* dictates doctors’ payment and therefore income which will reduce what doctors earn and lead to greater shortages of doctors and more rationing of care.
* mandates that employers must pay for health insurance even for part-time workers and their families, which will certainly lead to massive layoffs. (hope you have a back up plan for work!)
* exempts non-resident aliens from the individual health care taxes, so Americans citizens will pay for these aliens, legal and illegal alike.
* officers & employees of the new Health Care Administration will have access to all Americans personal financial records and accounts. (privacy?? It no longer exists)
* mandates that available physician services will be reduced for Medicaid recipients. Many poor people including many seniors will be affected.
* mandates that all doctors receive the same pay, regardless of specialty. This will vastly reduce the number of specialists available in the United States, a common problem where medicine is socialized like Canada.
* allows the federal government to set the value of doctor’s time, professional judgment.
* regulates the rental & purchase of power driven wheelchairs. (really?!)
* regulates the operation of certain types of cancer hospitals, again rationing the care of cancer patients. (Slower care for cancer patients = death)
* provides an approved list of end of life resources, to help guide seniors about the process of dying! (let me die the way I want!)
* mandates program for orders on the end of life, actually giving the government a say in how your life ends!
* allows the government to decide what level of treatment you will have at end of life.
* force taxpayers to pay for Marriage & Family therapy under the public insurance plan.
* allows government to define mental illnesses and what services will be allowed to treat, again rationing this care.

Some military folks and retirees now paying a $460 premium will be forced to pay $2,048.
Regime officials actually admitted to Congress that a goal of the increases is to cause military folks and retirees to abandon Tricare and force them to flee to Obamacare instead. Who would stay with an outfit that raised their prices by 345 percent — no one.
The regime won't protect the special medical status of those who go to war and possibly return disabled. Soon you'll possibly see disabled veterans waiting in line behind illegals and lay-arounds for their healthcare appointments and treatment to squeeze more savings from DOD spending.
Some military folks and retirees now paying a $460 premium will be forced to pay $2,048.
Regime officials actually admitted to Congress that a goal of the increases is to cause military folks and retirees to abandon Tricare and force them to flee to Obamacare instead. Who would stay with an outfit that raised their prices by 345 percent — no one.
The regime won't protect the special medical status of those who go to war and possibly return disabled. Soon you'll possibly see disabled veterans waiting in line behind illegals and lay-arounds for their healthcare appointments and treatment to squeeze more savings from DOD spending.


  • Are you scared yet? I am.
  • Makes me sick.
  • If this were in effect over 2 years ago, I would be dead. Land of the Free my arse!
  • This country is going to crap :(
  • Yes @blessedTXmom, you will be paying tax on your health insurance. We will be paying taxes for illegals to maintain this health care since they are exempt from the taxes. People will be layed off in immense amounts. If you do not purchase insurance, you will pay heavy fines and penalties and the government can take that money straight from your bank account without your permission.
  • What does.it mean for me I receive Medicaid I got some of it not all of it ?
  • The only thing that would make this even worse would be if this idiot gets reelected. There is already talk about changing it if he doesn't get reelected.
  • http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2012/03/28/5-reasons-obamacare-is-already-good-for/

    I suppose im in the minority on this one, but oh well :)...and this came from FOX
  • @bexiewexie, you have until 2014 to purchase or qualify for one of the programs. IF you don't, you will pay the pentalties and fines for not doing so. Or they will take it out of your account directly.
  • @davidnaadynsmama, those reasons are comical.

    And 4 million small businesses can now claim a tax deduction
    And they are also required to hold insurance for even part time employees which will lead to an insane amount of layoffs.

    2. The law won’t fully take effect until 2014
    And? The only good side to this is that we can hopefully have this overturned by then. :)

    The individual mandate was originally a Republican idea.
    By Romney, who is just as bad as Obama. What does where it originated have anything to do with it being a "good" idea?

    4. The Congressional Budget Office recently cut health care reform’s cost estimates.
    Laughable. Obama has raised our current debt to over 14 trillion dollars. The Affordable Healthcare act will increase this debt by over 500 billion dollars.

    5. Something had to be done about health care
    Yes. Something needed to be done. Not this. That is almost like saying, "Sorry that you're pregnant and want another child. Our population in your city has crossed the legally allowed amount by government and you are now being forced to have an abortion. ::shrugs:: Well... SOMETHING had to be done!"

  • Everyone.. dump your bank. Move to Australia.
  • @bexiewexie, I don't know what will happen. It will be repealed, hopefully. If Obama is not re-elected, it may have a higher chance of being overturned, but Romney's own affordable healthcare reform is almost identical to Obama's.

    The election is in November. Register to vote. If you have, make sure your address and everything is correct on your voter registration card!
  • Us military are going to be screwed over too... :(
  • God help our country!
  • I don't vote, but this time I am. So much for 'change'! This was NOT the change we wanted nor needed. :-q [-(
  • This country is in for a rude awakening, a good wedsite to read about whats going on in our country is theburningplatform.com
  • I'm going to check out that link @babyzoey.

    @kayleigh27, it won't really affect any tricare prime recipients. It will have a major affect on veterans though.
  • I heard that we will be paying $600+ dollars now for our insurance. Tricare is cutting a ton of services right now
  • I always thought health care was better in Canada. I watched a documentary and in it a woman traveled with her children to Canada just to go to the Dr because she couldn't get insurance here. She wasn't Canadian either.
  • I knew I was in the minority on this one :p
  • Hey hey now. Canadas health care isn't horrendous. There are some (usually major) surgeries that have longer wait times so people may go to the states, if they have the big moolah for it. And the system isn't perfect, but its not like we get a cold and come running. Lol. I personally like our healthcare, and I know many Canadians feel the same.
  • I dont attemp to sway ppl who are against it, bc I know no one will sway me, but the thing that irks me (regardless of someones stance) is...
    "are you against "obamacare"...
    "Hell yeah I am".
    "What is it exactly"...
    "Uhh, I dunno"

    Lol, choosing a stance, even different than my own, doesnt bother me, but people should at least have a basic knowledge of what they are for or against. Example...most people have no idea what its called (obamacare isnt the correct answer lol)
  • @Davidnaadynsmama, Obama has titled and referred to it as Obamacare himself.
  • I know what its referred to. I just mean that 90% of people I talk to have no idea the name on paper. My point was, people definitely need to choose a stance, but at least have a basic understanding of what it is. The "research queen" should at least agree with that much :p
  • @Natashalynn that's what I thought!! Lol we always say "Let's just move to Canada" ;)
  • Who cares what it's ACTUALLY called? LoL
  • @starxoxo9 again, by no means is it perfect. but I love that if something happens, we can a. Call a hotline to talk to a registered nurse b. Go to a walk in clinic c. Make an appointment with our Dr (I can usually get in within 2-3 days) or d. Go to an er. its nice having that reassurance.
    Yes our taxes are higher because of it, it means that we as a country are helping each other out, we are united in this.
    I have read how much $ it costs to have a baby, and it blows my mind. Lol I would of been royally screwed if I had to pay thousands of dollars to have my baby.
    Canada is awesome! Lol
  • @Natashalynn I hear ya! If I didn't have Medicaid idk what I would have done. For the longest time I fell into the middle category of "making too much to get help, but not enough for private insurance". There's SO many people like that here. Once I got pregnant I qualified for Medicaid and now I'm working part time so I can keep it lol.
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