I want to breastfeed...could someone point me in the right direction?!
I wasn't able to breastfeed my son because of health problems (short story: Brain tumor and Epilepsy) so I wasn't even able to consider it. This time I would really like to learn a lot about it and try. If anyone could give me any good websites, books, articles, or anything to get me in the right direction that would be amazing! I just want to know as much as I can about it so I feel comfortable doing it. Honestly I know nothing...which is a little embarrassing but no one in my family has done it and my mother didn't I also have no friends that have...so there is no one I can go to, to ask questions. Thanks so much I really appreciate it! So advice ladies? Pros? Cons? Books? Articles that have helped you? I'll take anything I can get!
@1stWoodsBaby Yes I want to start now so I will be confident and ready when baby day comes
@BabyLuv8 Thank you I'm definitely going to find a class!