3D/4D sonogram tomorrow :D (belly pic)*update w/pics*

edited June 2012 in Third Trimester
Yaaaay! I'm super excited! My appt is at 12:30 tomorrow. I will update with pictures when I get back home from the scan. I'm hoping baby won't be hiding her face this time!

I'm 30+2 weeks...I don't think my stomach was this big with my son at this time, but I am carrying super low!

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Finally after 30mins of trying to get baby to move her hand off of her face, we finally got some images! She slept the whole entire time, and no matter what kind of sugar I ate/drank she wouldn't open her eyes of wiggle around!

The tech kept commenting on her lips, and how full they looked lol

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Chubby cheeks!! :)

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