I have a theory...

edited June 2012 in Sleep
-My lo sleeps better when I lay her down awake-
2 nights in a row she nurses and then we say goodnight to daddy go into the bedroom sing a song have some cuddles then I lay her down and turn her music on. takes her a couple mins but she falls asleep with just a few little whines. She then sleeps the whole night!
usually we nurse to sleep and I lay her down in her bed. she usually wakes once before we go to bed and once or twice in the night.
this is awesome!


  • My daughter is the same way. Its so much easier than rocking her :)
  • It's a great idea to let them fall asleep on their own. I've always done that since the very beginning with all my kids & they sleep through the night by 6 weeks, 8 weeks tops. So glad you're getting some sleep! ;)
  • Mine will scream till he pukes lol. I can't wait till he starts sleeping through regularly because then the wife might be a bit easier to live with to.
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