Boiled, Bottled, or Tap?

For you mamas who formula feed which water do you choose and why?


  • @blessedtxmom i used to use gerber water since it doesnt have flouride but i figured out boiling water was easier.
  • I use gallon jugs of Walmart steam distilled water. I use that because my granny says its best:)
  • With my son we used bottled til about 3 months then had our tap water tested and after we just used tap.
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  • said it was fine where we live
  • We use filtered tap at home and a low flouride bottled on the go. Some flouride is actually needed for strong teeth development and is actually recommended by the cdc. The big concern is fluorosis with large amounts of it but as long as there is good dental hygene then there shouldnt be any discoloration of the teeth. The ada says that a proper amount of flouride reduced baby tooth decay by up to 60%.
  • I was originally told tap is ok, but then told no fluoride until teeth come in. It's so hard bc you hear so many things:( I now use just bottled, a gallon of spring water. I usually keep a bottle in the diaper bag of a 20oz. The other two kids I used tap and they are fine.
  • edited July 2012
    I only use nursery water unless I'm in a huge pinch then I use my pur filtered water but water in charlotte N.C. is like 2 points away from being toxic...its bad!!
  • Just plain 'ol tap water. None of that stuff, boiling, bottled, etc is necessary. All spring water is municipal tap water...the SAME as what you get from your sink.

    Tis allllllll marketing!
  • I use the gerber/nursery water. I boil Makenzie's bottles though so id be boiling all day long lol
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