i accidently drank

edited July 2012 in Breastfeeding
My mom was making tequila smoothies. she made me a virgin one but somewhere along the way it got switched. I got a tiny bit buzzed. I Fed my baby just as I sort of felt buzzed and them I waited as possible to feed again. she will be ok right??


  • I'd call the advice nurse
  • Is the baby acting strange since then?? I'd call a doctor to be safe..
  • I was just a tiny bit buzzed. she was acting perfectly normal too. I waited almost 4 hours to nurse again
  • @ta2edblondie shes 9 months old
  • Lol, baby will be fine. :) One drink is perfectly okay to breastfeed with. In the future, wait a couple of hours after a drink, but yeah, no biggie!
  • edited July 2012
    @Captivated she spit up quite a bit first thing this morning :(
    still trying to figure out how I got the alcohol. maybe I got the wrong drink to begin with? or there was some left over in the blender when she made mine? she was half cut when she made it.... it didn't taste like alcohol though. I feel so guilty! I shouldn't have fed her when I started to feel the buzz but I wasn't thinking I was getting drunk. I don't even drink!
  • Don't sweat it! You poor thing. Might have slightly upset baby's system a bit but there won't be any lasting effects with that small bit.
  • LOL ... I bet your LO had s good night sleep. LOL
  • edited July 2012
    Thanks @captivated :) I felt so bad this morning when she spit up. my tummy was a bit upset too but probably cuz I was worrying so much through the night.
    @ynvtish actually she didn't she was up at 2 and 6. Her usual times when she doesn't sleep through lol
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