My grandpa died

edited July 2012 in Loss
My grandpa was 98 years old he passed away this morning at 6:32. He is going to missed.


  • Wow... What a life he lived! Sorry to hear that. Are you doing ok @eeyore
  • Aww im so sorry. :-(
  • So sorry to hear that :(
  • Awww, sorry for ur loss :(
  • I'm doing okay haven't cried yet don't won't to scare my little girl. We went to see him on Friday. So I got to see him one last time and show my baby who he was so I think I will actually be okay until the funeral.
  • Sorry for your loss. Thinking of you! (((hugs)))
  • I'm very glad ya'll got to see him before :) 98! What a life! I bet he had some stories! :) I'm sorry for your loss sweetie
  • *hugs* to u! Sorry for ur loss. What a blessing to see 98 yrs. Granparents r special blessings.
  • Sry hope u feel better
  • Just now seeing this I good the funeral went well and you are doing ok. I'm sorry for your loss.
  • I'm sure he had a great 98 years I will keep you in my prayers I'm so sorry for ur loss love
  • Congrats on his life span <3

    It gets easier :)

    When my grandma passed (at 62?) We celebrated her life instead of her passing.
  • So sorry for ur loss hon wow 98 years is awesome
  • Thats so nice that he got to see ur lo. Sorry hun take it easy if u can.
  • The funeral was nice I cried when my mom tried to read something and got choked up.. They asked anyone in military or
    Police to wear there uniform to honor him cause he did both. They told my sister that she would be walking behind the casket cause she was in her police uniform. Well they ended up One person short so she had to be a pallbearer and that's when I really lost it. It started to sprinkle at the grave site and then when we drove off it started pour cats and dogs. It was in a small town so everyone that we drive by pulled over and stopped other people stood road sided with hate in hand. Yes he will be missed but he had not remembered us for a while now
  • Wow! what a long life im sorry for your loss.
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