6 months trying to conceive; today's test was

Negative, but I've got NO period, sore boobs, sickness & dizziness..

I'm on the verge of giving up on it all..

I'm desperate to have another baby, and I'm past my wits end.. What do I do?


  • How long have you been TTC?
    Have you seen a fertility specialist?
  • And don't give up hun. :(
  • @captivated ttc 6 months and no I haven't as the drs are not interested in me seeing anyone..
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  • Probably because the length of time you've TTC. You still have six months before you should worry! I'm sure it will happen soon. Bump for all the TTC ladies. They always have insight.
  • I'm sorry, hon. I know you have extra feelings towards having a baby after what you went though. But he was proof you can get pregnant and carry a baby...so I have faith it will happen for you. Stay positive, hon. *hugs*
  • edited July 2012
    @mama_Kat @captivated I'm like clockwork and 2 days late.. my cycle is 28 days always. I'm not getting any younger too and don't wana be an old mum.. IF I ever get preggo now I'll be 30 when baby arrives.. My diabetes is under control and I don't wana give it chance to f up..
  • Have fun with it and stress less. I was watching the Doctors the other day and they said conceive is usually 80% the males fault. Not that that fact of the day helps in any way. LOL
  • oh honey don't give up... I know it's rough, believe me. I don't know what else to say other than I'm with ya on this crappy journey.
  • edited July 2012
    @rtmommy the only thing on my mind is that Benji was my last chance.. thanks for your support.

    @YnvTish my hubby is super fertile, so I'm one of the 20%

    @redshadoe0 thanks, to many women take kids for granted and have 5,6 or even 15 I just don't want MJ to be an only child..
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  • My dh and i tried for 2 years. With plenty of loss. We are all here for you
  • I remember you I'm glad you r back when I mc in April 2009 bd and I weren't uding protection and it took until july 2010 to conceive ont stop trying sometimes it just takes time
  • Aargh I'm so god damn confused and frustrated.. grrrr
  • Dont stress, that could delay a period. But I'd give it a few more days to take a test.
  • I know, I'm trying not to but I can't help it. Nothing's taking my mind off it..
  • @mummylady83 i was thinking of you other day cause im getting a tat similar to yours. :) i been ttc too but have a 2" cyst filled with blood on my left ovary. My doc said surgery is a waste of his time even though the er doc i seen when i couldnt breathe from pain said it needed to be taken out. So now to get it to come down in size instead of rupturing i have to be on bc pills. Which is completely opposite of what i want. But my doc wants it to rupture i faught for him to evem put me on something to brinmg it down cause he wantd it to rupture but when i had a small cyst rupturethat just had fluid in it. I passed out ag work and i had to be taken by squad and was not able to move for days.idk it just seems like its all going wrong since i started ttc. Sorry but if you ever need to talk im here and you can always inbox me whenever.
  • @tbaby2011 sorry you're having issues ttc, it seems those of us who would love a itty little bundle are forced to face hurdles. You'll have to load a pic of your tattoo when you get it.. fingers crossed for us both the time will come soon :)
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