pissed/lonely *update on his stupid ass*

edited July 2012 in Relationships
This past weekend bd and I movd into his moms from our apartment cause he wanted to be here cause his mom broke her leg so we moved in and last night I wanted him to help me do our room. Well I moved the bed by myself put the crib up by myself am putting all the clothes away by my self and he's with his friends. First of all I didn't even want to move into his parents house, second they don't respect me as Zacharys mother,and third we moved in so u could be here more! So get your ass here! Seriously I could freak out lol. Not to mention we havent really been getting along and he doesn't stick up for me if I'm disagreeing with something his parents are doing with Zachary. We haven't had sex in weeks and I'm just like beside myself/pissed. He doesn't show that he cares about me he doesn't make me feel special. Idk I'm just all over the place lol

**update at bottom


  • So yesterday I didn't even talk to him til he got home at 4 am, when I woke up I went through his phone cause I wanted to know what the hell he was doing and there was a message to his friend saying I'm on subs lets chill or something and then another number that i didn't know he was trying to sell something to! I'm so mad! Wtf is his problem! If he thinks that I'm gonna be the girlfriend of someone who takes/sells drugs he's really on something crazy. Why the hell would be think that's ok and supposed to be that father to my son? Yeah right. Should I wake him up or just leave?
  • I would want to leave but at the same time I know that talking to him would probably be the better thing to do.. If that doesn't go well or he doesn't fess up to anything then Id leave
  • I can tell u know people in this situation and don't want to see you make same mistake. I know you care about him and it's really hard but now that you know his ding something illegal it's only time before he gets caught. When he does not only will be be arrested but u can have your child taken away because you knew and still made the choice to have a child around something like that. In a courts eyes that is "bad mom" that's the read easiest way to explain it. They will see that as you putting your child in danger therefore that is when social services step in. It's obvious once he gets caught he won't be able to be around the child but since your not the one with the drugs I personally wouldn't keep myself in the situation because there is a risk of not being around your own child. Now yes they will give you your child back once they can prove you have nothing to do with it and they see you are a great mom but for some people because of the court system right now it can take couple of years. I know someone whose dealing with this and it had been two years but she's very close to being with her baby boy. I mean talk to him about it because this is serious see what he has to say but always keep this in mind. Good luck and hope everything works out for the best and maybe the two of you can really work past these things :)
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