Anyone else's lo do this & how long before they stopped

edited July 2012 in Sleep
My lo is 5 months old, he mastered the art of rolling back to front last week (has only rolled front to back once) well the past 2 nights he has started rolling over in his sleep & then waking himself up stuck up against the side of his cot. He goes to sleep on his back ok, then tends to sleep on his side for a bit before rolling onto his front & waking up. Whenever I resettle him after this he rolls straight onto his tummy & wakes again. I don't want to put anything in the cot with him to prevent him rolling, I just want to know if your lo did this & how long it took before they stopped, or any tips to stop him doing it without using wedges etc. thanks


  • My daughter is 9 months and does the same thing. Idk what to do to get her to stop. So im no help other than saying Im pretty sure its a normal baby thing.
  • Damn I was hoping it was a phase & a very short one too!!!
  • Your LO might grow out of it when they learn to roll from front to back. Sounds like they just don't like to sleep in their tummy. Try working with them during the day on front to back rolling.
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