teething BAD! help :/

edited July 2012 in Babies Health
Baby John is 9 1/2 months, he has 8 teeth (4top & 4bottom). He's teething BAD right now. I think he's getting his molars? on the bottom two it's very swollen & I can see white like they're about to cut through...but the top two are blisters...redish purple. Has this happened to your LO? Doctor said sometimes they get big blister usually when it's their molars & it's nothing to worry about. But how long Will it take for them to cut through? My poor baby is in pain :(


  • @amab13 my baby just turned 11 mos and only has 2 also lol...I wonder when the rest are coming

  • @amab13 @Tootie08 thanks for the bump, my son has had 8 teeth since he was 6 months :O I hope these next few come in soon, I hate seeing my baby in pain :(
  • My lo is 9 months an 4 teeth. She has one coming in on the top, i do tylenol, teething ring, an end up having to cuddle with her lol..
  • My lil one is getting her first top one, she has 2 bottoms, but she is having a terrible time with it. I use teething tablets and snuggles. And tylenol at night
  • My Lo has a hard time teething (molars as well) what I do it give her frozen fruits and veggies to chew on, also helps with the heat. :) She also takes Hyland's (spelling?) Teething tablets (Walmart, Kmart, Target, Wegman's) and generic baby tylenol.
  • Dip q tip in whiskey and rub it on the gums. Only thing that has ever worked for my LOs.
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