Heat Wave

I live about 45mins SW of Chicago and we're in the middle of a heat wave. Temperatures were like 105° today with the heat index. The next couple days are supposed to be 108°-118° with the heat index. And im moving tomorrow, friday, and Saturday. We bought 60 powerades for 48¢ a peice and 8 12packs of soda. But its soo fucking hot. We're all gonna die moving. We're under an excessive heat warning. This shits crazy. I dont remember having heat like this since 1997 or 1999. I cant remember. And everyone is so bitchy from the heat. Sorry it feels like im rambling.


  • @Steph_Due_101611 you went to ultra foods :). I went there monday and bought a bunch of drinks. So sorry you have to move tomorrow that really sucks. I couldn't even imagine considering how hot its been here.
  • I'm in az where It's 108-114 most Summer days. I know I would not want to move in those temps! Hopefully you all stay hydrated. Heat exhaustion can happen so quickly. I think I also remember when it got that hot in Chicago. I remember on the news yall had a lot if people dying, like record numbers.
  • It reached 101° in MN which is rare... Its very difficult to tollerate..
  • Yeah this weather is hella weird... Last time I remember heat like this in California is in 2004
  • I live in England and its supposed one of our hottest months and all weve had is rain, rain and more bloody rain :( weve had floods and storms. Wish we had some of your sun and yoü can have some of our weather ;) seriously tho, hope your ok and the move goes well :)
  • It's crazy to hear that most states are hotter then Texas right now :-/ or at least dfw our week is mostly just a high of 100
  • I'm n ky last week we was at 108 an now been staying between 100-103 Omg it sux but way better then cold an snow lol !
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