It's supposed to end 21st of December this year. But it was supposed to end in 2000 and we are still here. If people really believed it they would plan events in the near future. Well that's my opinion. X
I read that the December 21st perdition made by myans can't be true, because they didn't have leap year then and if you calculate in all of the leap days, the day they predicted would have been in I believe October a few years ago.
The Mayan long count calendar is based on days, not solar cycles.. Because of that, leap days are irrelevant. @tinksmommy. Sorry, just random info. I'm like a pool of useless knowledge. Lmao.
First off the calendars in question were discovered in the 70's and until the movie came no one gave a crap and now Hollywood has once again put out bucketloads of false information.
They found two more Myan calendars a few months ago...
Also they never predicted the end of the world they were a polytheist culture who believed in a change in times and Gods/kings. The new calendar takes off where the old one left off.
@captivated shit. Lol I was really holding on to thqt little piece of info. After seeing the movie 2012 I'm seriously horrified about the end of the world.
@Mama_Kat never heard about it but It sounds awesome ! I always worry about the world my kids are living in u can't evn let kids go out an play in the yard without worrying about them getn kidnapped evn if ur out there with them I'm only 24 but wen I was kid we never had to worry about stuff like that times have changed so much an so fast its sad
Thank you! That's what I was trying to say. Have you read anything on the generation of crystal children? I read a book about it years ago but it talks about how with each generation of children "old world"/physic gifts are becoming prominent. Not sure if I believe it or not yet, but it goes along with your silver era theory.
Might be interesting to you I found it to be rather intriguing.
@mama_kat@conreeaght A site you may or may not know would probably be interesting to the two of you. Go to the alphabetical index and just scroll through. There are tons of interesting reads on that site
Cool points...I just believe it could happen now, in an hour, day, few months, or years and years from now. just the way I think of it - just living life
on December 21st the mayans predicted that our solar system will pass through the milkyway galaxy. they saw this as passing from the mortal world to the spiritual world. hence The end. nasa has done research and believes nothing will happen when we pass through.
I love the way everyone thinks here... All so different but all extremely believable. The funny thing is Hell I believe all of you cause it all sounds so true.
Well that's my opinion. X
They found two more Myan calendars a few months ago...
Also they never predicted the end of the world they were a polytheist culture who believed in a change in times and Gods/kings. The new calendar takes off where the old one left off.
I know when, I'm just not telling anyone.
Thank you! That's what I was trying to say. Have you read anything on the generation of crystal children? I read a book about it years ago but it talks about how with each generation of children "old world"/physic gifts are becoming prominent. Not sure if I believe it or not yet, but it goes along with your silver era theory.
Might be interesting to you I found it to be rather intriguing.