will my son ever sleep threw the night

edited July 2012 in Sleep
My son used to sleep threw the night then when he was 4 months he just stopped sleeping threw the night am so tired am a sahm. I thought it was just a faze he would stop soon but he's 9 months now and still won't sleep threw the night. I feel like he will never sleep threw the night.


  • Do you have a routine for him at night?
  • Yeah I give him a bath then a bottle then like 30 min later he will go to sleep @jules. It's the same everynight unless we are out he doesn't get a bath but that maybe once a week
  • Jack used to sleep really well. Then he started waking up every hour. It was like that for about 3 Weeks. Now he wakes up every night around 2 am and doesn't want to go back to sleep. Its killing me. He's 8 months old.
  • My 8 and a half month old has been waking up every 2-3 hours :-((
  • I posted a huge vent about this last night. I'm about to go crazy!!
  • Well sounds like your doing what I usually do I give her a bath then she eats some rice cereal, and if she's still hungry she has 4oz bottle then in bed usually by 8:30 and up anywhere between 8 or 9am. Sometimes you have to let them cry for five minutes then add to ten they usually don't go more then that and with my daughter that worked only took one night and she's been good ever since. It was really hard for me but I knew it was just to help her get a routine.
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