Planning to TTC SOON but...

As shallow as this may sound to some I am scared to get fatter on top of this baby fat I STILL have 8 months after giving birth. I have to admit I have not put much effort into losing the baby weight but now the time has come where we want to start trying for another baby and I'm scared I am going to blow up like a beached whale!!!! :( Especially since I hear it is harder to lose the second baby weight...Dis anybody get pregnant soon after having a baby and what were your experiences with the weight gain?


  • edited July 2012
    It is best to get back into shape before having another child. It is much easier to lose the weight then. Women tend to pack on the pounds when they have children closer together and do not allow their bodies to recover (some, not all).

    "Women who wish to have their children close together should space them more than a year apart and take care between pregnancies to increase their own health and stamina. This takes more time for some women than for others.

    There is not a magic date as to when a body is recovered," says Schorn. "Most women are physically doing well by six weeks after birth, but it takes more time to lose their pregnancy weight, increase their exercise strength, improve their body tone (abdominal and pelvic floor muscles particularly), and begin or increase sexual activity."

    "This becomes even more crucial if there were complications during the first pregnancy. "For example, a woman who is very overweight and had diabetes during pregnancy may be advised to postpone the next pregnancy to work on improving her health first," says Schorn. "If the pregnancy was difficult because the woman did not like the effects of pregnancy on her body, psychologically it might be better to postpone pregnancy until she really is ready to go through pregnancy again. If there are issues between a couple, they may want to work on that before adding another child into the mix. The answer to this question is that it is very individual depending on what made the first pregnancy 'difficult.'"
  • @captivated thanks for the info! :) I wish it was as easy to get back into shape...working full time and being a mommy is exhausting! (:|
  • @Nova you're very lucky, I gained 35lbs total with my first and am still about 15-20lbs away from prepregnancy weight! :(
  • I got prego wen my 2nd baby was 6 months I weighed 147 rite before I had her an I stayed at 130 until my new baby turned about 5 months old i was so upset I thought I wuld go bak down to my 115-120 Prepregnancy weight rite after I had her but nope I had to start dieting an lost it
  • I'm LO's will be 11 months apart. I gained 45 pounds with my first and lost every bit within 2 weeks. I am now 28 weeks with my 2nd (first is 9 months) and have gained about 15.
  • With my first i gained 10 lbs and i lost it all and then some right away and im now 36 weeks and have gained 11 lbs. I look way bigger this time but havent really gained much.
  • My daughters will be about 13 months apart
  • Hi buddy:) I seriously give u props girl. I know I couldn't do it working ft w 2 lo's. But you have nothing to worry about you look great girl.
  • I gained 35lbs with my daughter and never lost it. 5 years later I was 140 when I found out I was pregnant with my son and I delievered at 41w (almost 8lb baby) at 135lbs. Modify your eating and get a little exercise in. I just walked too and ate a healthier diet than I had been.
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