My little Monkey

edited July 2012 in Ages & Stages
He decided he didnt like his crib at daycare anymore. So he grabbed a hold of the edge and 'walked' up the plexi-glass side!! Was halfway over it!!! Dang kid... so now he is moved to a pack-n-play. And he tries to climb in and out of that!! Same day he climbs on the high chair by pulling up on the seat, stepping on the rail on the bottom, grabbing a gold of the tray and hanging there!! Then (same day!!) He is standing up at our living room table and falls and busted his lip open on the edge!!! Oh what a monkey he is!!! Lol!!!


  • Oh and today he wiggled open the tray on the swing and tried to flip out of it!!! His poor teachers are having heart attacks everyday!!!
  • edited July 2012
    Try giving him a regular toddler bed or mat to sleep on.. and instead of a high chair maybe just have him sit in a regular chair. It sounds like he wants to be like the adults or at least wants to do what they do.. :-j My 1yr old nephew does the same things..
  • Lmao sounds like my monkey girl!! She's currently teaching herself how to climb the stairs. She's gotten up 4 so far lol but its so funny because you can tell it's a lot of work for her and she gets all tired lol!!!
  • How old is he? I work at a daycare and when they start to do that we have them sleep on a cot like the older kids (I mean even the toddlers sleep on them at my school)
  • @mallory27 He is almost 9m and still in the young nursery. They put him in a pack in play for now. He will move up to the older nursery in september. We have the cots for the older kids but he wouldnt stay on it. (I am a 2s teacher there) He doesnt do it at home but he wont sleep at daycare very well so he has to put himself to sleep in his crib there.
  • I am a 2's teacher too. Makenzie wont sleep at daycare either
  • @aishamusa He is too young to sleep on just a mattress. He also tosses and turns all night long and when he sleep at school so he would fling himself off the bed. And he cant sit still so he would be off a chair in a second!!! He doesnt even walk yet!!
  • @Mallory27 Yeah he is the oldest in the class and the most entergetic!! Lol... he is everywhere. And he eats everything in sight!! Hehe!!
  • That would drive me crazy...
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