my poor girl

edited July 2012 in Babies
3 times today she's smacked the back of her head on the edge of the change table :(
she pushes herself to the top and tries to sit up then falls back. ugh I feel like crap for letting it happen :(
as soon as she's done nursing I'm going to put a blanket over that edge!


  • Just to clarify This is while I'm changing her
  • Such a crappy feeling when stuff like that happens hey?! Just have to do what you can to make things safe, but remember that as they start trying to learn new skills, bumps and bruises will happen. :( I hope she (& you!) Are okay!
  • @NatashaLynn she is fine :) cried after the bumps but after nursing she was happy as can be! she's just going to bed now. extra cuddles tonight :)
  • Ugh I know what you mean! Tessa is in this "I want to flip onto my belly while you try to change me" phase and about a month ago she did it and banged her eye on the corner before I could catch her. Poor thing had a black eye!! Then she scratched her cheek the same day!! I was afraid someone was gonna call cps on me lol
  • Don't feel bad. We were on the subway coming home, Malia in her stroller/car seat. I gave her some water, and she always does so well. Well she was choking on it. I had to tilt her stroller towards me & daddy pat her back as much as he could with her strapped on. I felt HORRIBLE! I didn't freak out or anything, but there were soon many people around. I felt like such a bad mom!
  • My kids are daredevils and end up with cuts and bruises that I never knew happen! I always get paranoid when I take them out and people comment on the spots. Lol but don't worry! It is totally normal for them to get banged up. Mine don't even cry anymore unless it's a doozy.
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