That's IT. I need to vent.

Okay. So my husband works and I stay home with the twins/I am currently on my last class to get my degree. Up until now, I was a full time student/full time mommy. It wasn't easy, but I did it. Oh, did I mention I'm in charge of all accounts, money, bills, babysitting, travel, shopping, cleaning, breakfast/lunch/dinner, etc., too? The ONLY thing my husband does is work. Now, I'm not complaining because he works his ass off for us. But what I do is no picnic. He hasn't so much as made his own plate in two years! Also, I'm almost 30 weeks pregnant with a baby who already dropped causing nifty pelvic pain. We are not rich by any means, but I'm damn good at budgeting so we are fine. However. When I mention a pedicure because my feet are killing me, he guilts me into changing my mind (we are money hoarders). Then I get the bank statement and this jackhole spent 100 on video games. Freaking seriously? Guess who is eating cereal for dinner tonight.


  • Go in get your pedicure!
  • Girl I would be pissed off too!! My husband is the same way.. I stay home and he works. He will spend a ridiculous amount of money on stupid crap, but if I mention something it's like "what? Why would we do that?" ugh. Men.
    Hope he likes his cereal! Lol.
  • How old are your twins?
  • Go get that pedicure and hell get a manicure too! Lol You def deserve it
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  • I would be so freaking pissed. Go get your special treatment. And hell give him bread and water for dinner.
  • Hahaha!! Love @homebirthadvocate idea!
  • @nameless I'm going to call the babysitter and see if she will watch them today for a few hours and I will! :)

    @1stWoodsBabyI Exactly! I don't say crap when he buys ridiculous things as long as we can afford it, but then I get guilted if it isn't something "we" need. Best part? I ate his fruity pebbles so he's stuck with cheetios. Bahaha and they are 13 mo. This baby was a lovely surprise, and our last. Lol

    @LolasBabyNum1 If I can swing it, I'm gonna! Then I'll rub it in his face.... and maybe hide his games. Baha

    @HomeBirthAdvocate I should! I'm a (non-public practicing... anymore) certified massage therapist, so I taught him how to do massages properly-especially foot rubs! He just won't do it. Lol
  • @angel26 he'd probably eat it happily just to be a stubborn ass. He's just as hard headed as me... but he weakens way before I do!

    @nameless I know! It's a pretty dang good idea. Haha
  • I hear ya I worked full time until I was laid off two weeks ago. I have all 3 kids at night after work. I cook, clean, do wash, bathe kids etc. Only thing I have him do is take trash down on trash night. He always gets movies on the ps3, beer, haircuts (I know the haircut is needed) but then when I go to get my haircut he is like wheres all our money etc.I am not the type to buy anything for myself at all. I used to get my nails done and feet but do them myself to save money. Anything I buy is for the kids. He isn't too bad with it but for once I'd like to get myself something without him saying we gotta stop spending. We can spend fine when its on him. Ugh men!
  • I agree, get a mani + a pedi. Those go together like peanut butter and jelly. :)
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