Feeling nauseous with lots of pressure

edited July 2012 in Third Trimester
For the past couple of hours I've been feeling super nauseous, and have LOTS of pelvic pressure. When I stand up I feel like a babys going to just fall out! I'll be 32 weeks on Tuesday, and I'm pretty sure this is how I felt when I went into labor with my son. I haven't been having any contractions just Braxton Hicks which get unconfortable. I've been testing for the past hour, and when I close my eyes I feel like I'm spinning(the same exact feeling I'd get if I'd of drank way too much alcohol).

I don't know why I'm feeling like this, but it sucks. I told my bf earlier I felt like I was going to go into labor, he looked kinda freaked out. Lol I just hope baby stays in for another 8 weeks, and not come now!


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