
edited July 2012 in Breastfeeding
I have a Medela pump and I used it with my son and I want to use it when my little man gets here but I'm thinking I should replace the tubing? Does medela offer that? I really don't want to buy another pump they are pricey.


  • It's up to you. If the tubing is still good, you can keep it.
  • Well how often should the tubing be replaced? I washed it with every use took it completely apart I really don't know ? @captivated
  • You don't need to replace it. Only thing you should replace occasionally are the membranes, etc. As long as the tubing has no holes or affects the quality of your pumping, they don't need to be replaced.

    If you want to replace it anyways, they sell the tubing on
  • @captivated thanks the tubes seem in good condition but if it is not to pricey I'm going to go ahead and get em :)
  • No problem :)
  • Yep like captivated said no need to replace them. I borrowed my pump from a friend who let another mutual friend borrow it first so its been through a lot and still is the original. I did have to replace the adaptor tho cause the wiring started to show. And the membranes I feel like I change every six weeks to two months..maybe I am hard on mine?
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