I really need help ASAP

So I filed domestic violence chargers against my boyfriend/ father of my daughter and unborn child. But since then I had no one but him and cps started an investigation because his son's mom called well my daughter wented her dad and I honestly wanted stuff to change so I went back to him in hopes he would change but Saturday night we got in a fight he got me mad I went and laid on the couch well he pulled me off the couch which got me mad I started packing he got mad grab me and held me on the couch he wouldn't let me go so I I told him to let me go he refused so I started trying to kick him off he ended up kneeling on me both knees with his whole body on me I bite him and he punched me I kept trying to dig my nails in him he let me go and I ran into my daughters room and locked the door while I hide he got in and I lost it I pushed him out I was screaming I just kept pushing him to get him out of the room my daughter wool upland I grabbed her and ran to get the diaper bag he fought me wouldn't let me leave we were outside and he kept blocking me and said if I leave he will call the cops and they will take my daughter so I gave up well today he met with CPS and lied about everything to the worker to make sure he keeps his son and he said if I don't lie that cps will take Ally what do I do


  • He's manipulating you. Tell the truth! He is the one who has a history of this crap! Don't go back to him!
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  • you tell the truth and the hell out of there not to sound mean but your kinda stupid for going back you know he's not gonna change so get out of there for your sake your unborn child sake and for your daughter sake
  • Here is the thing my father was abusive I am 30 years old and still blame my mom for not leaving him. I blame her more than I do him. If you stay with him then yeah there is a good chance you might lose ur daughter if they feel she is in danger. My father only hit us never . If you lie then it will only get worse bc he will do it again. I am sorry but this is a touchy subject for me y would u want to stay with him? There are so many options to help women out there maybe not ideal but help.
  • This happened to my best friend...she was fighting with her bf and kicked him out next thing you know cops and cps come and took her daughter and It's been over a year battle trying to get her back. Idk I would say no matter what they can take Ur kid cuz u went back to him. U need to leave and get a restraining order.
  • Leave now!!!! Don't wait even one more day. He won't change. Go to the police and get an order of protection. If you lie and cps finds out, it will cause you a world of trouble. Please go get help.
  • My step father beat on my mom all the time. He tried to kill her a couple times too. They also did drugs. So we got taken away. Well my mom finally left him and got divorced when I was 11. I know its hard and scary to leave. But you absolutly need to get away from him and tell cps the truth. I don't know about your state or area. But here in slc,ut we have a place called ymca. Its a shelter that helps women get away from their attacker. We stayed there for a little bit once. I hope you can get away. I'm sorry your going through this. But if you keep going back to him it will deff get worse.
  • Find a local battered womens shelter. The one near my parents actually had a lockdown so people didnt know who was there.. (i.e. the so/bf couldnt call and ask for them or walk into the place)... DO NOT LIE... You will be puting your babies at risk.
  • @char honestly I thought everything was a wake up call for him and I lost my family and friends because I refuse to have an abortion. So I was at the point were I was so lonely I was suicidal and he pretended to be there and when I went back my daughter was so happy to be with her dad again she wouldn't let him put her down so I felt like I was hurting Ally by staying away
  • edited July 2012
    Seek a therapist! If HE'S your only "support", you are in for emotional turmoil!!! Get out of there. Believe it or not, there will always be an excuse to go back. "Ally loves him, he's changed, I'm lonely, he said sorry, etc." Then, he may freak so bad that your daughter has to come to your funeral and she won't understand WHY. It is not safe for you or your children.
  • @jewel I understand my mom had the same problem no support besides him. The problem is your little girl will not always be little. She will become a teenager will he hold his temper when she yells and throws a fit? I can still remember mumbling something under my breath and my father holding me a foot off the ground by my neck.

    Sometimes family needs a cooling period maybe if u show them ur really ready to leave they will help. If not contact your local ywca, tell social services that u r not safe but have no where to go. Trust me it hurts a lot worse when ur laying in bed praying he doesn't come for u next. No child should ever have to worry that there supposed protector will go to far and kill them or their sisters in a fit of rage my mom was safe. The social workers in Ohio invented a reason for my husband to leave the hospital room when I had AJ to make sure I was sAfe they will help u.
  • Please don't lie to cps they are there to help. He is manipulating you, which is going to make things worse.
  • I'm a social worker for CPS...get a restraining order and get into a shelter. CPS has to see that you are protecting your child from witnessing domestic violence or yes they can take your child. It's called Failure to Protect. Here in my county you can help from a social worker through the welfare office without having an open cps case
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