wow few posts with ppl in jail

I'm in aus n I see so many posts of ppl who have loved 1s going or who are in jail. I wish aus was as hard on crime here here seems like jail is like a very last resort o have know ppl to do so really extreme things n they just get a ( slap on the wrist) so to speak


  • Yep my fiance has too do 60 days but with work release when everyone else gets a smack on the wrists
  • I think Australia is bitter about having been a penal colony, so they try to take it easy on people!

    America loves to send people to jail. Loves it. For stupid, nonviolent stuff.
  • Yep seems the judges are hard there here seems just good behaviour bonds community service ect hope the 60 days goes quick 4 yous
  • Sounds like it @jwigs there's so many ppl I reckon here that need to b in jail but nip allowed to walk free
  • Thanks me too I will still get too see him cause I will have to pick him up and take him back just sucks something so stupid can result in this
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