Toddler sleeping more often

edited July 2012 in Sleep
After i stopped giving him formula on Monday(his 1st birthday), I've noticed my son takes more naps during the day. He gets full, plays for a little bit, and then takes a nap. He was only taking 2 naps a day, but now it's 4 naps a day, and he goes to bed earlier than he did before(around midnight).

Is this normal for them to nap more? I mentioned it to my bf about him napping more, he said maybe it's from him getting full after meals, and then wanting to sleep?

It definitely doesn't bother me that he wants to nap, I usually take 1 nap with him since I'm so tired during the day now, but was just wondering if it's normal. His iron isn't low so I know he's not fatigued. It was 12.7 at the drs on Monday.


  • my son will be 13months on the 18th july and since i cut his bottles out he sleeps longer! he now has two naps! one in the morning for.40minutes then one in the afternoon for 1 1/2-2 hours! he sleeps from 7.30pm-7.30am
  • I'm not help, my LO is only 9 months. But that makes me excited to hear! Something to look forward to. We've been having sleeping issues for a few weeks.
  • What time does he wake up? Midnight seems late and at that age they are sleeping about twelve hours at night and two to three hours worth of naps. There growing a lot and very active so maybe he is not sleeping enough at night.
  • My baby sleeps 9-10 hours a night and 2 hours duing the day he's 9 months. I think he's not sleeping enough.
  • @my2boys he sleeps 10-12 he's at night, but he sometimes wakes earlier when he hears the door open or our cats begging for food. So he's getting plenty of sleep.
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