Hospital rush.

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
So, last night I was rushed to the hospital, I was in a car accident heading to my fathers house. I'm still in the hospital, I'm scared. What if they baby isn't alright? Their finally going to check in an hour or so, my boyfriend refuses to leave my side, and I've been stuck in this place since last night, but i think he needs to go home and rest, but he won't... So, far all I know is a broken arm. But still I'm very scared... Wish me luck. :(


  • Good luck girl! Keep us posted.
  • I will be praying for you. Leave it to God he is the only one who knows.
  • They haven't checked the baby yet?????!!!! U make them check the baby now! There should be no reason for them to wait! As far as u, glad to hear it was only a broken arm! Ur bf will be ok, its nice to know he's concerned and cares. Good luck, let us know what they say about the baby
  • Apparently, the sona-gram has been down and they've been trying to get it up, (probably them just been lazy) My dads been demanding to check, my boyfriend even cussed a nurse out, I'm the only one calm, because its life, what is ment to happen will stay that way. But I'm still very scared. Oh, yay! There going to check now!
  • Good luck hope u an lil one okay an doin well :-)
  • Good luck! Hope everything is ok.. Least only a broken arm and nothing worse! Let us know how you got on
  • Oh god, I hope everything is ok. How terrible. How did it happen. I hope there isn't too many serious injuries and that baby is ok. Was you on your own. Best wishes and I hope you have a speedy recovery. Xx
  • * intact I hope there ate no serious injuries. Just relised how bad that looked lol. X
  • Yes, I was alone, the sonagram says the baby is fine, and I leave to go home soon.
  • I'm glad you and the baby ok.
  • Yayyyyy!!!!
  • THANK GOD :-)
  • Thank God.... bless u Hun get well glad u and da baby are ok
  • Please take it ease and rest up!
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • God bless you both. Now pregos with a broken ARM. :( could have been worse.
  • Am glad to hear that everything is ok with u and Ur baby
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