pregnant mommies in school?

edited July 2012 in Current Events
Any pregnant mommies in school? How far along? And how do you do it. School starts in Aug and my husband says I should wait till next semester I will give birth the end of november beggining of december but I think I could do it pregnant just to get some classes out of the way. How r u managing btw I have a 16 month old son


  • I have a 6yr old 4yr old and 9 month old. Ill have my bachelors next july. I do online courses and it is hard but I do it. I took a few months off after my last was born but you just need to find the time. Ive been doing it for two years now and you just have to make sure you can manage everything and dont take on more then you can handle.
  • I just graduated with my bachelors in May with 1 year old twins and pregnant. It's a challenge, but you have to want it badly. Overwhelming at times when you're exhausted and still have a paper to write, but the feeling when they call YOUR name for your diploma is amazingly rewarding :)
  • I have a 1 year old and im 37 weeks pregnant and still going to school. Ilove it im glad i didnt wait till i gave birth because i got some classes out of the way.
  • I got pregnant the month I began nursing school. I stayed in school all the way until a week before birth. Then I came back three weeks later when the new semester began. It is an accelerated program with five week semesters. I graduate on Thursday! School was five days a week, 8-10hrs per day. I did it!!
  • @sjmomof3 wow ur almost there! I don't want to do too much because I know I still got a lot things to do at home.
    @mrsstanley_x2 wow congratulations! It must have been hard but I know you feel accomplished
    @joshuaswifey_711 that's great! I wanna get some classes out of the way too so when the baby is born I won't have to do more on top of that.
    @captivated that's what I'm aiming for an RN state test are hard so I've heard but congratulations!
  • I've been in school since I was almost 2 months and still am and I have a busy almost eleven month old it is super hard but I use my kids as motivation. I work too the class I'm in ends two days before my c section I'm taking a week off then back to class but they are online classes now I graduate in September u can do it girl
  • @preggointx damn I can't imagine working too! I really think I'm going to do it bit my husband keeps saying wait until he is born but I feel time is just wasting ;/ ahh we will see.
  • You shouldnt wait till baby is born then,there will be another excuse. Thats why I started when I was about 2 months pregnant, so I wouldnt have anymore excuses anymore lol.
  • @joshuaswifey_711 that's exactly how I feel when the baby comes I'm going to be like nooo I have a newborn yada yada yada lol
  • I did it last year b/c I didn't want to skip an semester. I was 8 months pregnant when I began in August had my baby in September miss two days from each class n went back! I did part time and scheduled my classes on the same day and picked off my major the classes I felt would be easier to catch up in.. but if you aren't due during the semester should be a piece a cake lol maybe not a piece a cake but you know :) you can do it!!!
  • @salasmommy yeah thats how I would have been
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