I know I am......I just cant help it. *update at bottom*

I know I am going thru it. I can't help it I try n try to over come it but for some reason its winning. I find my self crying n not eating. I feel like my husband is going to get tired of me. He take my son out every chance he gets for he won't be stuck in the house. And I feel he is going to take advantage n start to cheat on me. He says that he understands me but he doesn't.
He doesn't feel what I feel. He doesn't feel the pain in,my heart.
Or the pain I get n my eyes when I see self in the mirror. I know I suppose to be stronger because now I have two bby depending on,me. But I can't... I just can't. I only cry after I feed my daughter and when my husband leaves.
But I find my self crying about thoughts of him with other women. Idk I just need to cry to someone thats not going to judge me for being crazy.

Thank you for taking interest.



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  • But if talk to.my doctor all he is going to say is that its normal or put me.on pills.
    And I feel that if I talk to my husband he is going to tell me ur crazy stop thinking like that. N blow it off.
    I went thru the same thing with my son and it was worst. Idk,I tried so hard not to go thru it again. I toke my vitamins, stayed healthy. But here I am again.
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  • I went through ppd with jake for a little while bf seemed to help me I dk its different for everyone don't think like that just try to talk to him fix yourself up do ur hair or makeup. You can't do much u need to rest for now so don't try to make him happy by going out you need to recooperate. Communication is the key so talk to jr about it. When there is no communication the marriage can go south. Believe me I know. But its a commitment and you guys have to fight for ur kids. maybe you only feel that way bc of the baby blues I mean u just had delilah so don't put any mind to it. Just concentrate and trying to bond all as a family n getting yourself back together. If you have no one to talk to u can always call me. Or text me.
  • I had PPD and met several women who did it without meds. It is possible! Please talk to your doctor.
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  • Thank you so much. I'm not going to lie I couldn't help to cry when I read the comments.
    I try n try to talk to him but I,think he knows wats coming so he avoids it.
    sometimes I try to catch him off guard but he is always with his brother.
    Like yesterday I texted.him when he was wrk that to come alone that I needed to talk to him. N its like I said come with him.
    Also yesterday night he,tells me why are you n a bad mood?
    And I just lokk at him n feel like droping down n bursting in to tears n scream to him ”like,you don't know!!!!”
    But all,I do is,say im not in a bad mood.

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  • I would to think that he would do therapy but he says that if one can not fix there own problems. How can a person that knows nothing of you fix it .
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  • After both of my pregnancies I had the blues. It was really bad with Ashton who was born in October of 2011. The best thing for me was to keep talking about it. My doctor gave me the option to go on Zoloft and I didn't want to, but talking about it and saying exactly how you feel helps a lot. My husband was very understanding but at the same time could not understand why I was feeling the way I did. Give yourself some time and some credit. We are here for you!!!
  • I talk to him about it yesterday he is very understanding. he told me that he understands me but he doesn't understand why I feel that way about him.
    he told me he'll never cheat on me that if he wouldn't love me he wouldn't be with me and or have two babies with me.
    he laid me on his lap and started brushing my hair with his fingers he said that I was the world to him.
    he started to cry when he began to tell me that he changed his whole life for me and that hurts him to his stomach to see me cry.
    it fElt so good to get everything off my chest in to know that he cares about me thank you so much for taking an interest in my problem.
    I am still going to talk to my doctor to see what he tells me because I don't like to feel like this but I also don't want to get on any medication.
    talking to my husband fix half of problem now I have to take care of the rest to make sure I can get down like this again.
  • I went through a horrible time post partum...hell im still not right but seriously hun talk to your doc!!!
  • I also didnt want to be on medication and by me not taking it and then not taking as much as was prescribed i prolonged the hell i was going thru. I wrote about it on here, read my post under post partum depression and also @jess510 can be a great support
  • @kenzie0713 is right it take a lot longer and is a lot harder without meds. If you had cancer would you take meds? Then why wouldn't you take them to help your brain?
  • @jess510 that's so true i actually read something very similar online saying that if you were diabetic wouldn't you take your insulin...and it finally sunk in like ok silly time to take your meds...just think about it girl. If you need to talk were here!!!
  • I have ppd and after almost 9months of trying to fix it myself I went to my Dr. I feel so much better. I am still battling with it but I'm slowly getting better. Its not a sign of weakness to get help. I know how you feel. If you need to talk message me. Its hard doing it alone. Good luck lady you're so not alone in this.
  • @Samantha how are you doing? I have seen people do that time and time again. I'm fact that's how broke Shields tried too but finally she sought help.

    Has anyone read her book? It is sooo good.
  • I didn't know she battled ppd. I have to read that book! I am feeling better then before. I don't have that "I wanna die or I wanna run away " feeling anymore but I still have that feeling of being depressed. I'm trying everyday to get out of the house and do something. I feel like breast feeding helps me so much with ppd. Its weird but its like I fully focus on my son and relax. I'm on zoloft right now and seeing a therapist once a week. I told them I didn't want to just be medicated I want to fix this and learn to cope. I just got help 2 weeks ago but being able to talk and know I'm not alone really helps. I shut out the world so much and didn't realize it. I can't imagine how my son felt when I never left our bedroom with him. I would come home from work and just lay in bed with him the rest of the day. Or play on my bedroom floor. I feel awful doing that. So I'm making it a point to do something everyday with him. And I shut my fiance out and I was slowly ruining our relationship. I feel awful and I want it all too just go away but I know its going to take time. @jess510
    Sorry its so long!
  • but if u take those kind of meds u cnt breast feed right????
    like if i can do somthing natural then ill do if i have to make my husband take me to a person to talk to then ill do that. but i dont want to start somthing that is going to be hard to stop later on.
  • @Samantha i'm on Zoloft too how much do you take? I'm on 250... : (
    @cant_wait93 you can best feed and take Zoloft. Zoloft is one of the safest ssri's
  • @Samantha.yes read the book it's great!!
  • I'm on 50 right now. Just started it.
    @cant_wait93 you wean off zoloft.
  • Oh and I breast feed as well.
  • I have ppd its bad I'm still trying to find the right meds but hang in there :)
  • edited October 2012
    3 grams of omega-3 per day, work wonders for PPD!

    @brodysmamma, @allyssasmommy
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