think im gunna have abother baby!

edited July 2012 in Pregnant
Welll, I had my little miss 10 weeks ago now!!! About a week after having her I already wanted another! I also have a six year old who is very helpful! And I was a singe mum to her, living alone, doing it all myself at 18. So this time around I'm finding it soooo easy!!! My partner doesn't want another baby. Funny thing is we already have a boys name picked out. And we picked it after knowing we were having a girl. Well he picked it! I stopped breast feeding at 7 weeks and I stopped the mini pill at 6 weeks because iit was making me bleed all the time. Every time we have sex I ask him to wear a condom which are on our night stand in arms reach but he says "ill just pull out" and I always reply with "that's how I conceived my first". And then..... he doesn't pull out. I actually said to him last nite, what if I am pregnant.. he said "oh well it wld be my fault." So he can't care too much! I'm being honest, he knows I want another baby, he knows he will get me pregnant, I say somethung everytime so its not like I'm purposly getting myself pregnant without him knowing.

Anyway yayyyyyy. I think I won't worry about testing untill I start to feel sick etc. 36 weeks is a long time to wait for a baby!!! (I fiound out at 4weeks both times and was 2 weeks over both times so make that 38!!)
And for all those who know me and have followed my story: me and my partner are doing GREAT now!! We still fight like any normal couple but we always appologise now and were all inlove all over again! Such a happy family! Add me on fb if u like. Kylee tate


  • Aww happy for you hun!!! :X
  • Awe that's great mama
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  • @starrxoxo9 @blessedtxmom @trixiesmom8 @rileyandme thank you! I have a little tummy cramping and was busting to wee this morning with almost nothing coming out lol so who knows, I could be already!! There will be a 11-12month gap :) or more if I'm not alrady! so not too bad. mary-jane will hopefully be walking by then. Gahh I'm soo clucky! I NEVER thought this would happen! I just want a million babys, as long as they all sleep as well as mary-jane lol! I miss my baby belly soo much!
  • Haha aww you're too cute!!
  • Awww babies are blessing so I hope u get ur bfp. And that's exactly how my hubby is. He doesn't want to pull out. He won't before I had my son he wouldn't and after him too. I'm like ok I guess. :/ he says I'm married to you why do I have to wear a condom. So he is pretty much in the clear until this baby is born bc I don't want another baby so fast. We are working on getting a house so I told him we will have another one until then
  • @starrxoxo9 hehe thanks! @salasmommy I think he just finds it hard to make big decisions. We planned to have our baby but when I got pregnant he got soo scared n everyone thought he would be a crap dad because he wasn't that interested in the pregnancy. He absolutly LOVES her and he helps when ever I ask :) he said we wouldn't have any more babys but he won't pull out and tonight he said he doesn't want another buby...just yet! Lol so he is thinking about it. Btw he said this because I said I cld already be pregnant. As I said he doesn't like making big decisions. He wld be happy if I was or if I wasn't. Either way :)
  • Awww :) well I think its nice babies will be close together so that's always good. And no one saw my hubby as a dad etheir and me as a mom I always said I would never have kids. We didn't want them. I thinnk that having our son was the best thing that ever happened to us. Now we have another son on the way and couldn't be happier. He's a great dad.
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