Luvs Diapers

Why are luvs diapers so much cheaper than huggies or pampers? Has anyone switched from pampers to luvs and liked the luvs?

We currently use pampers, but I noticed tonight that luvs are $10 cheaper for the same amount.


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  • I have and there basically the same reminds me.of pampers.
  • @Rileyandme I wondered if they were as absorbant.
    @amab13 dang!! Lucky! We buy the mega box or 156 pampers for $32. Huggies gives my daughter diaper rash so we've always stuck with pampers. But I'm getting ready to have our son, so we'll have 2 in diapers. I'm not thrilled about spending $32 per kid on diapers.
  • @mommytobe20 We've always chosen pampers as well. I was just curious since the price difference was so much.
  • edited July 2012
    I use to like luvs but got them recently and hate them! I'm stuck on target brand they're way cheaper and work just as good as pampers and better then huggies in my opinion my daughter always leaked out of huggies
  • @mommytobe20 I may buy the smallest bag they have and see how I like them.
  • @Chelcie89 My daughter didn't work well with Huggies either. I've always heard huggies are better for boys and pampers are better for girls. NOt sure why though.
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  • @RileyAndMe LOL! I'd be worried too. My daughter isn't a "small poop" kid.. she always has big poops.
  • I personally love luvs. The absorbancy seems pretty good to me. My son sleeps through the night in them with no leaks.
  • Idk that is weird I know they were too loose on her legs was our problem they would prolly work better now that she's got some meat but I'm fine with my target brand diapers I LOVE them so why switch ya know lol.

    @sophiasmom11 I agree 100% up & ups all the way
  • edited July 2012
    Uhm I might buy a small pack of target brand I kinda wanna try them.. I tried luvs just because my sister had them they seemed to work good not as soft but they seemed to hold her pee pee my sister will only change her kids diapers only a few times so yea...
  • I used to only buy the pampers swaddlers but we tried target brand on a whim and haven't looked back! Targets are just as good and way cheaper!!
  • They soft too?
  • We use luvs. In fact they're the only ones he can wear thru the night without peeing thru.
  • Ive never heard a bad thing about target brand.
  • I personally hated luvs to me they feel rough. We use pampers cruisers and I love them. We are going outta town this weekend so I might grab a small bag of the target brand to try.
  • We used luvs in the beginning but switched to target brand. We also use parents choice from Walmart too (he wears those overnight).
  • @morgdeebee have you always used the cruisers? We've always used swaddlers. Ive wondered the differencd in the two.
  • @1stwoodsbaby we used sensitive and swaddlers then one she became super active we switched her to cruisers. When she started trying to climb on things and standing and falling I noticed she started to leak in the swaddlers. She has HUGE legs and these fit nicely around them.
  • I've used all diff diapers and for all three kids luvs worked great, that and target brand. Have had maybe a leak or two with all three kids. That's usually bc they'd drink alot before bed. I think it depends too on the baby's size and how much they move. I have two sons in diapers they are cheaper and work that's why I get them but they may not work for everyone. Just try a small pack and if they don't work you could always ho back:)
  • Its worth a shot. I would be trying target brand & walmart brand too. They are just as good atleast most of the time they just don't have the fancy "name brand
  • I hate Luvs they smell so bad!! Like chemical perfume lol. And I liked target brand but they give Tessa a rash every time.
  • I used pampers swaddlers until size 2 I think then switched to huggies I've never tried luvs but my friend gave me a diaper one time bc my baby had the runs and it came out. They do feel like paper though. Can't say I tried them after that though so I don't know if it was the runs or the diaper?
  • I love the costco brand!!
  • @jennalynn87 can you equate them to another brand? Like pampers or huggies?
  • I hate luvs. They don't absorb anything. Way too thin and rough for babies bottom. The target brand diapers are pretty great. I would try those out. We use them with our son and they work great. Now I didn't try them til he was in a size 2 so I don't know how well they work with younger babies. But for now they're fine. Also the Costco brand is good. I heard they're made by Pampers and they absorb well. We're about to have two in diapers as well so I totally understand!!!
  • @ashley_smashley huggies but softer inside
  • I do not Like luvs they smell funny and always feel wet even after just being changed but I also don't like pampers for the same reason she always feels wet. I love Target brand though! I've never had any problems with them I had huggies when she was newborn because people bought them for me but after that went straight to Target brand and they are the best especially for the price!
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