pregnant again?
So hubs n I had sex a few times where we didn't use a condom at first but towards the end he put one on. He does let out a ton of pre cum n I know u can get pregnant from that. That was maybe 2 weeks ago. So a few days ago I felt nauseous in the that was weird. Same thing yesterday and today. I felt a really warm feeling in my stomach as if I had taken a shot. Now today I'm cramping really bad out of nowhere! I've been ebf for 9 months so I don't have a period. I really need to test lol omg we've been wanting another baby so this wouldn't be a bad thing but could I be prego? With my son I felt nauseous first so that's why I'm concerned now.
@kimberly4411 congrats on ur BFP u haven't said anything yet! Lol