i cant get her to feel better

edited July 2012 in Babies Health
Alegrya has been sick for 2 days now I don't know why. She has a high fever of 103 I took her to the er lastnight because her medicine wouldn't bring it down. I told her doctor I was worried if we went home it would spike again and it did she wont eat or sleep or drink I've had 1 barely wet diaper all day the doctor wants to do IV fluids at this point I have an hour to get to feel better before we go back.


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  • Im no help. My little one has only had RSV, no other sickness so idk. But i hope she feels better soon!
  • @mama_kat I will thanks

    @1stwoodsbaby how did you find that out how long till your little one started feeling alittle better
  • My daughter just is getting better from roseola...which sounds similar to what your experiencing....she spiked a fever anywhere from 103-104.6....for almost four days...had her in the er twice and Dr office once....they can't diagnose it off the bat...what happens is they spike a fever for a few days and than break out in a rash, which usually starts on the core of the body and works its way outward and lasts anywhere from a few hrs to four days...Kenzie had hers for about two and a half days....it is terrible and scary with a fever that high, I can totally relate...maybe place a call to the Dr and ask them if they think it is a possibility...my Dr said its going around like crazy right now and is most common between six and twelve months, but can be up to three years old....good luck!
  • @coltensmamma Ally does have a rash on her mouth and on her belly so ill mention it when the doctor comes back in thanks alot
  • ^^ agreed with coltensmama my girl had that too. By the time the rash is there tho, the fever should come down, maybe not to normal, but way lower than before!
  • Yah...fever should break when the rash appears....did the er look at the sores in her mouth....there has been a crazy outbreak of hand foot and mouth in my area....I feel like that's all people with kids are talking about! Just another thing to ask...I would Google pics of the rash for both roseola and hand foot and mouth...see if you think they look.similar??
  • My daughter had hand foot and mouth in may and was miserable!
  • She had a fever of 103.
  • Did they do a rapid strep test?
  • No strep and its not hand foot and mouth the er doctor pretty much just said it was an ear infection but I don't understand how an ear infection can cause vomiting and her not eating or drinking
  • That makes sense. An ear infection is actually caused by a bug (virus) or bacterial infection. That is what causes the vomiting, diarrhea etc. Especially the not eating. Very common with ear infections :( Hope she feels better!
  • Oh yea..I've heard the sucking from eating can cause pain in the ears, also when they are layed down flat can cause pressure. They also cause a fever. But when my lo had a double ear infection she was just fussy and wanted to nurse more for comfort.
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