
edited July 2012 in Sleep
I SERIOUSLY CANNOT TAKE IT ANYMORE! last night my son went to bed at 930, and didnt finally pass out till MIDNIGHT! and tonight, i put him to bed at 8, and he is still crying!! and this has been going out for about a month now! i honestly dont know what to do anymore. i just want to scream! iv tryed putting music on, a warm bath before bed. i just want to scream. :-((


  • Try running water in the kitchen with the lights off, Chamomile tea, Feed some rice cereal or oatmeal before the last bottle, maybe some gas drops or advil for pain you might not know about? my daughter did this last night and it drove me crazy, but I got her to bed with some chamomile tea.
  • hes 14 months, and he hardly has an appitite so he usually takes 3 bits of something and throws it. & im not sure if hes getting more teeth, because hes usually fine during the day.

    & @amab13 my mom helped me last night. but my bf has been staying at his moms, so hes no help.
  • I'm sorry girl I hope things get better
  • i have advil, but its in the diaper bag - thats in my boyfriends car.. who isnt here lol. but i think he finally fell asleep..
  • Does he indicate anything when you go in the room? Like maybe he is scared? My daughter wasn't talking much by that age but I figured she was scared got a nightlight and it helped. If teething maybe a dose of Tylenol before bed and a teething ring. I also put a humidifier in the room...the hum of it drowns out any neighbors noises:) do you read to him before bed?
  • i actually think hes scared of the dark, because when i walk in the room last night and said his name, he jumped so high. so i left his door open with the hall light on, i need to get him a night light. @sehra4177
  • ohh & i usually sing to him before bed :-)
  • Ahh, Yeh that's prob it then. My son when he started talking he would come out of his room and just kept saying dark, dark. P got the led lights they only turn on when its dark and they aren't really bright.
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