first day back at work done lol

Well I managed a half day back at work but am absolutely knackered now. Still struggling to eat much as I just end up sick. Am going home for a snooze lol.


  • Try very bland soft foods, little portions at a time. Avoid pungent tastes and smells. If all else fails try fruit smoothies.

    Hope you can rest.
  • Thanks @Mijita even plain toast makes me feel sick at the moment lol. I have managed to eat a bit of fruit today but am lactose intolerant and hate soy milk etc lol. Am just laying on the lounge relaxing as kids are at school and sil is picking them up for me today.
  • Hope you get your appetite back soon!
  • @1stWoodsBaby but I've never lost weight so easily lol. I've lost 6kg so far in about 8 days lol
  • I'm sorry you're not feeling well :(.. I hope you can have better day tom and can start eating some more you really need to. If I was you and got to a point to which I was pretty much forcing myself to eat just to stay strong I would pick foods with good energy like nuts and good fats like avocados. Things like that, that way your body is getting vitamins it needs :)
  • @jules if it makes you feel any better I had 2 jacket potatoes with ham cheese and baked beans for tea lol and haven't thrown up yet lol. Nausea has actually backed off really well at moment without any meds all day. So now to hopefully get a full nights sleep and try a full day at work tomorrow. Work has arranged one of the police cadets to drive me to and from academy everyday lol gotta love perks at work lol.
  • well that sounds great all around! Maybe it was medicine that made you feel weird even if it's supposed to help. When I was pregnant I only had morning sickness 5 times until I realized it was my prenatal vitamins that were doing it so I switched and was never sick again :) lol just made me think of that. But I hope you can have a great day at work and thank God they have someone with you and are being so cool about the whole thing.
  • Wow back to work already? Good job. I hope you feel better soon. Thats great they are helping you out.
  • You back to work so quick. Well done you! Hope you are feeling better soon, know the feelings you experiencing a little, one of my arthritis meds is also used to treat cancer, causes me severe nausea and mouth sores but I just take it once a week by injection and it isn't as high a dose as someone using it to treat cancer. It's horrible! So you are doing great!
  • Maybe some special treats will help with the appetite. Lol. My friend recently git diagnosed with leukemia and has been going through chemotherapy. So he had a friend make him special brownies so he can eat. He had lost 24 lbs in two weeks.
  • @natashalynn one big issue there. I am a range commander in the police force lol don't think they would approve of a stoned firearms instructor lol.

    @littlenat86 @angel26 I had a month off before this all started and wanted to get back to a routine. I also actually slept really well last night ie 10hrs straight lol. Plus I want out the house lol. If it all gets too much I can do half days or take extended sick leave.
  • Thats good. I hope it goes well. Thats grest that you finally got good sleep. Just take care of your self. And of course keep updating us. Lol.
  • @angel26 managed a full day yesterday but haven't got the energy to go in today so am dropping kids at school then just lazing around. Tomorrow have to take bub for his blood tests so may do a half day at work lol.
  • Good job on the full day. But im sorry your not feeling so great today. Get some rest. I hope you feel better tomorrow. Why does your baby need blood work? Is he ok?
  • @angel26 blood tests are from when he was really sick and was in hospital about 6 weeks ago. He had elevated liver enzymes and ferritin levels then and a week after so now is to check if they have gone back to normal. If not it means more tests etc and who knows what else.

    Just got fingers crossed his tests come back OK because I can't handle him being unwell on top of everything else at moment.
  • Hahahaha good call. I forgot about your job...
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