@kenzie0713 My hubby was born in Albany! We visited up there in 2010 and went back to Albany, Binghamton, Newark Valley, Johnson City, Buffalo, and about a half dozen other towns. Loved it up there.
@blessedtimes2 wow all september babies! Whats her name? What kind of milestones has she met? @babiescomin2011 awwww ten days apart, and yes that first birthday is coming quick! What milestones has he met?
@pregnantELF I'm 22. My little one is walking. Lol it makes me sad ,he's growing up to fast. He sat up alone at 4 months,crawled at five,and walked at nine. He's been doing things so fast. I got robbed of him being a baby LOL
@babiescomin2011 wow your guy is fast. Rion started crawling just last month on fathers day and has no interest in walking. He does pull up on the furniture, but won't take steps.
@Devins_mommy your so close to me
moved to tampa florida in 06
now in san angelo, tx
Move to Hawaii in three months
@babiescomin2011 awwww ten days apart, and yes that first birthday is coming quick! What milestones has he met?
Also how old are yall? I'm 24!