Concerned about 9mo development....

edited July 2012 in Ages & Stages
My daughter will be 9m on the 25th, and she is still not crawling! She will get on all fours, rock back and forth and scoot her feet forward to her hands....but she will not move her hands, they are like solid! So she will plop on her belly, about an inch or two ahead from where she started. After a few mins, she cries until u put her on her butt or pick her up. I think she cries sometimes cause she wants to move forward but can't..

Any suggestions? According to my boss, a chiropractor, crawling before walking is very important. I really want her to crawl :(


  • My youngest brother never crawled. He went straight to walking. And he's a normal 11 yr old now. My daughter did the rocking back and forth thing just before she took off crawling. She may surprise you and take off one day.
  • edited July 2012
    My daughter is 9months and not crawling either. Im not too worried from what I've heard crawling isnt really that big of a deal if they dont do it. they'll do what they want when theyre ready.
  • I wouldn't worry about the crawling as long as your lo is up on all other mile stones. Drs don't consider crawling a mile stone because so many babies actually skip and go straight to walking, or don't really crawl but have their own way of getting around.
    My guy army crawls, and didn't start doing that until 8 1/2 months old. He is now 9. Before that he kinda just rolled around.
  • That is how they start out my lo was doing the same thing. I got sick lo had ear infection and it is only us (hubby travels)we spent about 5 days with toys all over the living room floor and the t.v. On. That baby spent more time in the floor than he has since he was born and he is crawling now. And loving it he thros his toys so he can go get them. 8.5 months
  • When my daughter turned 8 months she was doing exactly what your describing. The rocking and plopping a few inches forward. I went to visit my girlfriend whose little boy is two weeks older and he was already crawling like a pro. It took her a few hours of watching him and she crawled for the first time while we were there. She's been cruising ever since and is now starting to pull herself up and that was only two weeks ago! It helped her to see someone her size in action. Lol.
  • My son only goes backwards lol but does get up on all fours and rocks around until he face plants lol.
  • Well in my opinion it wouldn't hurt to read about it and get a couple of doctor opinions. I know if it was me I would be worried. My daughter just turned 7 months and she crawls in her own way thought it's little funny but fast and she can sit up on her own and she can pull herself up on things like our couch and her crib. So to me if she wasn't doing any of that I would look into it, but at the same time don't stress because all babies so things at their own speed :)
  • Maybe try to have more tummy time?
  • If you have Netflix....I recommend "The Science Of Babies". :) Like the other ladies worries, she may skip crawling & that's ok!
  • My lo is 9 months old, she doesn't crawl, infact the minute she's on her front she moans, my other 2 never crawled, they went straight to walking. Honestly, don't worry. A milestone in babies is gauged by doing research on hundreds of babies, it really doesn't mean that every one of them crawled at that particular time. Babies do things when their ready. Aslong as you little one can sit unsupported then I wouldn't worry. Xxx
  • I wouldn't worry most times babies who don't do certain things develop in other areas more. My daughter didn't walk til 18 months but could put puzzles together at 1 and could spell words before she was two. Just keep putting in the position and he will get it. I used to worry myself but its not worth the stress...if your pedi feels it a prob they will most likely have someone come help you. Like my sister has twins the girl wasn't reaching milestones they were gonna have someone go to her house but then she started doing everything all at once so it was never needed.
  • My son is 13 months and just started army crawling. He sees a physical therapist because he's behind. The one thing she wanted him to do the most was get on all fours and rock and stay there as long as possible. It's how they build their strength. We had to make my son go into this position so its great she's doing it on her own like most babies do. :) I think you have nothing to worry about, she'll get to crawling!
  • My son did that for over a month before he suddenly took off crawling and that was around eight months, my older son never crawled until ten months. It takes time, don't worry she will wake up one day and just do it.
  • Jack will be 9 months the end of the month. He doesn't crawl either. He doesn't even try. He can scoot backwards all day, but that's it
  • Mine is 9 and half months and just learned to crawl forward! I was starting to become concerned but then suddenly he just started going. I also would get on the floor with him some and put my phone of iPad just out of his reach and he would try going for it til he finally figured it out, and now he's pulling up on everything and trying to get on his feet!
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