I don't feel pregnant :/

edited July 2012 in Pregnant
I keep taking tests to be sure i still am, i'm maybe 5 weeks and my boobs aren't even sore! With my daughter (9m) i was throwing up already. I feel fat, that is it and i'm really stressing over it. Please help me put my mind at ease cause hubby isn't helping


  • my borthers gf, she has loupus (sp?) and shes had 2 misscarraiges, but in the beginnings of her pregnencys, she was throwing up, getting sick for months. but now she preggo again, 8/9 weeks, and shes feeling great. just tired! so i think every pregnancy is different! she thinks she having a boy :-)

    when i was pregnant with my son, i didnt have ANY morning sickness, or anything! i was just really tired.
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  • i felt the same and some days still do! im 22weeks pregnant with a 13month old to look after so somedays i dont have time to think about it and then someone will say somethin about me being pregnant and im like ?! oh yeah!!
    with my first i was sick every single day too until i was 25weeks this time iv had a few days out of the whole pregnancy where iv been sick!
  • edited July 2012
    @devins_mommy @homebirthadvocate @denois i think this ones a boy, my mom is freaking me out. I want to buy the necissities while we have the money and my mom Is telling me the baby might not even make it :/
    Thanks for the reassurance :)
  • Like they say every pregnancy is different I never felt pregnant with my last two until about 3, months with this pregnancy I pretty much new right away I was pregnant before even taking a test. Maybe this means it will be a different sex from your previous child.
  • omg thats horable! @Kimberly4411 stay positive, you and your babies dont need that added pressure :-)
  • Well no advice all the times when preggo I've felt different. I pee a lot and get ms. now that that's gone I actually do forget I'm pregnant I just do everything normally do. I think its great u aren't getting any symptoms mine start right away. But ur really early so wait a little
  • I'm 20 wks btw lol
  • edited July 2012
    I didn't feel pregnant.. pretty much my whole pregnancy w/my son.. I always forgot I was pregnant.. only remember when he kicked or someone said something..

    I didn't really have any symptoms, nothing
  • With my last I knew I was pregnant a week before af was due cause of all my symptoms. With this one I didn't have a clue. I went to the docs as ny periods were wrong, he scanned me and low and behold I was 3 months gone. I'm now 31 weeks and the only symptoms I have are the fact that I'm huge LOL xxx
  • Im 21w & still dont feel preggo.. :) only thing i got is big ole belly and my feet hurt after a while
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  • My morning sickness kicked in at 6-7 weeks both pregnancies
  • edited July 2012
    Ur baby well make it pray every pregnancies differnt dnt stress ur self
  • @roxy thank you
    @tinka1326 well i guess i better enjoy it lol
    @ashtonsmomm808 thank you for that lol :-D
    @karla_with_a_k you're lucky! hopefully i'll be the same way
    @cheryl74 i wish i had 3 months gone, i knew i was pregnant, idk how but i did
    @nameless i hope i'm as lucky as you, that would be amazing!
    @salasmommy i'll give it a later longer before i panic, but i keep taking dollar store tests just to be sure lol
    @devins_mommy i know right? i work at a daycare and the couple of moms i told were more excited than all my family combined
    @Jadabello7 hopefully, i'd like to get the boy out of the way and so my mom will shut up about telling hubs that he's gonna have all girls and there's nothing he can do about it
  • @Kimberly4411 i worked at a daycare for 4 years. up until i had my son. and i was 9 months preggo HUGE and peopple didnt know i was preggo.
  • I don't know how far along I am yet, but I'm guessing about six Weeks. I had no symptoms other than being tired whenever I tested. I figured I was tired from chasing my 15 month old around. I tested 7/7 and I'm just now starting to feel a little nauseous.
  • I had no symptoms really I found out when I was 4 weeks that was just instinct. Lol no symptoms at all until a bit further on, heartburn that was about it. X I am now nearly 36 weeks. X
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