
edited July 2012 in Pregnant
Im so nervous I am 8 months pregnant with my 3rd child I have a 3 year old and my youngest will be 10 months on the 28th this was our surprise baby but we found out this one is going to be a boy so were excited our other 2 are girls. Im just nervous about taking care of my children and being able to keep my sanity my husband is in the military and works all of the time he may be home 2-3full nights a week. Im just scared im not going to be able to handle it all by myself


  • Awe mama you will do fine! I have heard going from one to two kids is hard but from going to two to three is easier...maybe cause you are already use to the multitasking. I'm not much help. I only have one kid.
  • @jadabello7 Do you have any family that can stay with you during the first few weeks? Or another wife that might be able to come over for a few hours a day?
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