I'm leaking!

edited July 2012 in Breastfeeding
9.5 months in and I'm leaking again! what the heck?? I stopped leaking about 3 months ago now I leak almost every feed.


  • @Sophiasmom11 I never completely stopped but it went down to only first morning feed and just a tiny bit. the last while its been almost every time and quite a lot enough to make a very noticeable wet spot on my shirt. It is very weird!
  • Omg I recently started leaking too!!!! I took advantage of it and started pumping extra lol I was so excited and it wasn't just a little leakage it was a lot!!! Naliyah is 9.5 months too
  • @Newmomma13 really! that's so weird. darn I should have started pumping too!
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