Digestive issues after having baby (even mc) ... (a little tmi)

edited July 2012 in Postpartum Health
Ok, you know how when you're pregnant you tend to be constipated? Well, since my mc last week let's just say I have the exact opposite problem! It's so bad I even have to go in the middle of the night sometimes. Embarrassing, but what the heck is going on?! I don't eat any meat or dairy.


  • Maybe you have diarrhea????... Try some pepto.
  • Well I know with me it seems like the more crampy I am the softer my BM is.... But you had your mc last week...hmmm...that's weird...could it have been something you ate?
  • I don't think it's anything I ate, it's not as bad as diarhea. @ashley_smashley @cant_wait93
    @mijita , you're a nutritionist lol, could it be my diet? I wasn't eating meat or dairy while pg either, so idk, maybe those crazy hormones.
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  • I'm going to have to agrees with HBA, hormonal changes. You are have an influx of hormonal changes and your GI is playing catch up. Normally, after birth we have a shift in hormones and in your case you just had a cease in them. Your GI no longer needs slowed peristalsis so the opposite is happening. Make sure you are drinking plenty of fluids. Soluble fibers help with diarrhea and avoiding excessive insoluble fibers, which can aggravate will also help alleviate symptoms.
  • @homebirthadvocate @mijita
    Thanks, I'm hoping it stabilizes soon! Lol (although it's better than being constipated lolololol!)
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