someone help please!!

edited July 2012 in Third Trimester
Basically I just had sex was only for like 5 mins cause it was to sore and uncomfortable. Didn't orgasm or anything, now getting slight cramp in lower abdomen and Sharp pain through middle of bottom of my back. Is this normal? X


  • Sounds normal to me :)
  • It's the pain in my back Av not had that before. That was the first time since end of march. X
  • That is very common with pregnancy and sex. I would give your doc a call if you are getting timeable and regular contractions!
  • I have been cramping since I found out I was pg its gotten worse past couple of weeks. After I urinate that's when it really hits me. But cramping had stopped it was just pain in my back but then just got up to pee cramp back baby moving a lot too. X
  • Aw, I'm sure all is well. I had terrible, TERRIBLE cramping my entire pregnancy too :-((
  • Thank @captivated, I am 35+4 days, everything should be ok. X
  • If your cramping more after going to the.toilet I would try and rule out uti. And make sure your drinking enough. Being dehydrated can lead to cramping xxx
  • I get tested every 2 weeks for uti as I am prone to them. Av had them since I was 3.
    Been clear for a while. X
  • Bladder infection maybe? Or do u have long periods between u using the bathroom bc I know when I don't pee for a while when I finally get around to using the bathroom I get really bad cramps afterwards like u r explaining?
  • No I go quite regular so I don't get a uti, cause I know holding it in can cause one.
    Midwife says he must just be sitting on my bladder but its all the time, I don't think so. X
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